Negative commentry (again?)
category: general [glöplog]
If what you say on the internet makes you come across as being a dick, then you are a dick.
People who act like dicks online (or in person, but for some reason the relative anonymity of the Internet brings out the worst in people) are the problem, not people who are sensitive to certain things.
This times 100. Actually I wouldn't really mind if the people being dicks didn't apply such double standards - they are almost always really sensitive themselves, throwing tantrums and yelling about people being "overly sensitive" or "just being PC" or whatever whenever someone disagrees even in the slightest with whatever bigoted opinion they might be flaunting.
I disagree with Preacher. It has more to do with emotional intelligence than sensitivity.
by tomkh
Europeans tend to be more straightforward, even on the level of being considered as rude, while people in US tend to be more indirect and wrapping things up to the level of pretending ;)
I can agree with you partly. US can also be pretty rude but they also tend to consider things or kinds of behavior rude which Europeans consider absolutely regular. Sometimes I was really surprised.
by Preacher
However, assume I'd indeed have a a problem with your words and was indeed offended
You are mentioning in past tense so i assume its not problem anymore. I will not refrain from speaking my opinions, I dont say them to make anyone offended. Maybe we should look what American news say about it, as this was what I reffered.
by Preacher
People who act like dicks online (or in person, but for some reason the relative anonymity of the Internet brings out the worst in people) are the problem, not people who are sensitive to certain things. Again, basic human civility.
As long as the abusive behavior of dicks and whining of sensitive (including blocks list intended to those who can't deal in other ways in social media) aren't the reason of strengthening the rules and applying new more kinds of censorship. As long as it doesnt happen both arent the problem.
And no, speaking opinion loud is not being a dick nor bullying nor purposely offending anyone.
fix to previous post cause it missed part of my text
whining of sensitive (who have lot of ways to defend themselves including blocks list intended to those who can't deal in other ways in social media)
whining of sensitive (who have lot of ways to defend themselves including blocks list intended to those who can't deal in other ways in social media)
And no, speaking opinion loud is not being a dick nor bullying nor purposely offending anyone.
Having an "opinion" doesn't shield you from consequences, especially if it's woefully factually inaccurate.
And no, speaking opinion loud is not being a dick nor bullying nor purposely offending anyone.
just wondering , what would you do if someone insulted you or your friends, claiming that's just his opinion ?
Also , offending is offending , prposedly or not .
lol, you sound as retarded and xenophobic as your typical American! maybe you should go there once to discover it isn't all so bad! Yuma, Arizona for instance!
As long as the abusive behavior of dicks and whining of sensitive (including blocks list intended to those who can't deal in other ways in social media) aren't the reason of strengthening the rules and applying new more kinds of censorship. As long as it doesnt happen both arent the problem.
There's really no censorship on the Internet, anyway, unless you consider places like China or North Korea or whatever. Free speech doesn't mean that people should be forced to listen to what someone has to say, or that they should be given a platform to spout hateful nonsense or abuse. If a person acts like an asshole at a house party and is ruining it for everyone, the host is within their rights to throw them out. There's no reason why the same thing shouldn't happen online.
And no, speaking opinion loud is not being a dick nor bullying nor purposely offending anyone.
It can be in some contexts. For example, I visited a relative's wedding last weekend. They are devout pentecostal Christians, which is to my rather heathenistic view of the world something that I find rather silly. Now, if I was to say to people I met at the wedding that I think their religion is bullshit, or held a speech in honor of the newlyweds that went into dissecting the ways that I think their Christian morality regarding sexuality is stupid, I would have been an absolutely massive dick. It would also have been purposely offending them.
In the same way, if I tell a person to their face that they're ugly and their clothes are horrible, it's pretty much bullying in a nutshell. Even if it's an "opinion" or even something that most people might consider a fact. It's all basic human civility.
Why do we keep talking about "opinion" when it's factually wrong? You might be entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.
Americans in majority
U see here any generalisation?
You are obviously not very bright or you are just one of those attention seeking trolls so I won't waste any more time with you.
Having lived in the US in the past, I can fairly say that you seem to be more retarded than the vast majority of people I met there.
You are obviously not very bright or you are just one of those attention seeking trolls so I won't waste any more time with you.
Having lived in the US in the past, I can fairly say that you seem to be more retarded than the vast majority of people I met there.
I do not care where you lived, it has nothing to do with my experience. I am not gonna question this. But the first sentence seems to indicate well, that you are not very good in judging people and if you obviously assuming above I cannot rely on your opinions.
Yeah, I am not very bright and looking for your attention is the most important thing to me. Yeah, Mr. Analyst, thats brilliant. Anything else? Or can I now go and get depressed?
@Preacher saying that on the ceremony which you accepted and could refuse would be stupid but it does not mean that you cannot discuss and question their believes behind the ceremony on other days.
just wondering , what would you do if someone insulted you or your friends, claiming that's just his opinion ?
Depends where / what would be said. Usually its the opposite. When someone makes insulting and wrong statement and considers it a fact and I say that its just his opinion.
lol, you sound as retarded and xenophobic as your typical American! maybe you should go there once to discover it isn't all so bad! Yuma, Arizona for instance!
Is this that civil pouet way which was just mentioned few posts above?
I say that its just his opinion...
...and that you don't want to hear it , which is what everyone is telling you now.
reassuming, I dont really know where this subject is going into but I am done with that
I do not care where you lived, it has nothing to do with my experience.
Why does your "experience" matter if others' don't?

It's all basic human civility.
Quote:I do not care where you lived, it has nothing to do with my experience.
Why does your "experience" matter if others' don't?
Yeah I havent said it matters/dont matter, I just dont care. I have different experience which does not need confirmation of other. I do not question experience of others tho I do not always agree with their point of views.
Majority of those Americans which I have dealt with were big complainers, such big babies demanding constant care and extreme measures such as "bad" words free place, words filtering, legal internference etc. imagine this on pouet - would u want to have swearing word changing into another one? Or having sueing "threats" between users every time they get into any internet fight? I would not. Everyone was tired of these complaints and sometimes the measures were taken by main admins just to satisfy the complainers.
They were not scene people and no relations to IT even. They were random internet users that seemed absolutely new to the internet treating it very seriously. Used to the strictly regulated area where someone will always take care of them and most of their complaints were just stupid - days after they were friends with each again. ;)
I did not see the same kind of people in scene at all. I know few scene people from US and all of them seem to be cool with great people skills- so come on!

been on a short trip for a few days - so I'd like to pick up what you wrote 3 pages ago. About ignoring everything I personally dislike.
You can call me naive, but I don't want to live in ignorance. It's not that I'm taking negative comments personal. I can take them very well. If anything I firmly believe ignorance - as being a lack of empathy - is one of the core issues that cause most of the shitty trouble on a global scale right now.
Even if my record didn't reveal any crap lately, I know very well that I wrote some things around here I dislike reading nowadays. And I don't want to sound spiritual or missionary, I just fucking realized I have a choice. Between behaving this or that way. And thus becoming more of this or that.
At best, I'd like to share my 2 cents. Maybe someone reflects upon those a little. Maybe not.
I don't know. Just felt like thinking out aloud.
been on a short trip for a few days - so I'd like to pick up what you wrote 3 pages ago. About ignoring everything I personally dislike.
You can call me naive, but I don't want to live in ignorance. It's not that I'm taking negative comments personal. I can take them very well. If anything I firmly believe ignorance - as being a lack of empathy - is one of the core issues that cause most of the shitty trouble on a global scale right now.
Even if my record didn't reveal any crap lately, I know very well that I wrote some things around here I dislike reading nowadays. And I don't want to sound spiritual or missionary, I just fucking realized I have a choice. Between behaving this or that way. And thus becoming more of this or that.
At best, I'd like to share my 2 cents. Maybe someone reflects upon those a little. Maybe not.
I don't know. Just felt like thinking out aloud.
On a serious note - apart from being a stick in the mud from time to time towards people I feel are taking themselves and their values a bit too seriously - I generally have been trending towards rewarding what I like and ignoring what I don't (you can see a very sharp turn towards me doling out thumbs up and the occasional piggie or down versus 10 years ago when it was the other way around).
rp^frstl: oh well, I was hoping that this topic is already over :)
As I appreciate your concern about the world in general, but maybe let's focus on pouet first.
Those "very negative comments" that you are talking about seem to be quite rare. I totally agree with you that they are telling us more about people behind them. Usually their psychological profile is dysfunctional (momentarily, because of say "bad day" or quite often - permanently). They are very close to profiles mentioned in this the definitive guide to trolls, I've posted already. In fact if you post on pouet whole day instead of actually enjoying life... or wait.. actually maybe nevermind :)
All I'm trying to say is - the history of the internet and wisdom of admins on other forums clearly shows that you cannot avoid this of kind personalities being attracted to your forum - this is the nature of the internet. Therefore, the only _sane_ reaction is to ignore them.
Interestingly, most "troll guides" might be wrong, because they assume anonymity - I doubt it's really a contributing factor.
I also doubt those people are the "root of all evil". Let's say - in a global scheme of things, those folks are merely introducing random noise.
Things are all-right.
If anything I firmly believe ignorance - as being a lack of empathy - the core issues that cause most of the shitty trouble on a global scale right now.
As I appreciate your concern about the world in general, but maybe let's focus on pouet first.
Those "very negative comments" that you are talking about seem to be quite rare. I totally agree with you that they are telling us more about people behind them. Usually their psychological profile is dysfunctional (momentarily, because of say "bad day" or quite often - permanently). They are very close to profiles mentioned in this the definitive guide to trolls, I've posted already. In fact if you post on pouet whole day instead of actually enjoying life... or wait.. actually maybe nevermind :)
All I'm trying to say is - the history of the internet and wisdom of admins on other forums clearly shows that you cannot avoid this of kind personalities being attracted to your forum - this is the nature of the internet. Therefore, the only _sane_ reaction is to ignore them.
Interestingly, most "troll guides" might be wrong, because they assume anonymity - I doubt it's really a contributing factor.
I also doubt those people are the "root of all evil". Let's say - in a global scheme of things, those folks are merely introducing random noise.
Things are all-right.