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Negative commentry (again?)

category: general [glöplog]
No no no this is the part where you apologize and then stay silent.
added on the 2016-08-18 13:24:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
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added on the 2016-08-18 13:45:04 by Radiant Radiant
Gargaj: I don't agree with Creonix,but he just expressed an opinion. Why so serious?
added on the 2016-08-18 14:00:11 by tomkh tomkh
Without even taking context into account, are you saying reacting to an opinion should never be serious? Because that's either incredibly dismissive or insane.

In context, I know enough people who are American and enough people who suffer from depression. I think an apology to those people is more than required.
added on the 2016-08-18 14:20:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
Gargaj, means someone would be offended by opinion based on the facts? And you know lots of Americans with depression? Well that only confirms my words. Is it forbidden to talk about it?
added on the 2016-08-18 14:29:43 by Creonix Creonix
Suicide from bad comment? Hahaha Americans in majority are such retarded and paranoid nation that nothing would surprise me.

Pray tell, which part of "Hahaha Americans in majority are such retarded" is fact?
added on the 2016-08-18 14:35:24 by Gargaj Gargaj
"Why so serious?" doesn't have an original meaning anymore. I should have asked "Why so condescending?" :D
added on the 2016-08-18 14:46:41 by tomkh tomkh
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added on the 2016-08-18 14:49:18 by moqui moqui
I should have asked "Why so condescending?" :D

So how is calling out someone who makes blanket statements both about an entire country and about mental illness condescending, and then dismissing it isn't?
added on the 2016-08-18 15:06:45 by Gargaj Gargaj
pouet is a rather civilized and mature place on the net

I like how this thread is becoming exactly the thing it was trying to criticize. Maybe it's time to post some ponies about right now?
added on the 2016-08-18 15:19:07 by urs urs
trevor: i agree with that statement, e.g. i know dutch news websites where the comment sections are less civilized and mature, especially under articles about football where ajax vs feyenoord vs psv is still a thing for young adults to sling bad diseases at other people ;)
added on the 2016-08-18 15:19:53 by el mal el mal
then again, i also sometimes like to read those comments so i can lol how stupid people can be :D
added on the 2016-08-18 15:20:49 by el mal el mal
Gargaj: I don't dismiss Creonix opinion, I simply disagree with it. Condescending is telling someone when he should have an intercourse with himself ;)
added on the 2016-08-18 15:22:50 by tomkh tomkh
That's not what condescension means, but it's not even important. Some "opinions" warrant more than just disagreement.
added on the 2016-08-18 15:43:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
That is true,although I don't see how using very strong language is not making things better i.e. Creonix now has a perfect excuse and can turn things around easily. Going back to a topic,a person that is commenting on a prod may also come to conclusion that strongly negative opinion is justified and will "give author a lesson". This is never IMHO working as intended, quite the opposite.
added on the 2016-08-18 16:09:22 by tomkh tomkh
Tomkh: but it seems to me it worked this time :)
added on the 2016-08-18 18:42:00 by golem golem
I like how this thread is becoming exactly the thing it was trying to criticize. Maybe it's time to post some ponies about right now?

I think we can all use a collective...

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...about now.
added on the 2016-08-18 19:01:27 by ___ ___
by tomkh:
Starchaser: it's sad to hear. That is practically revenge by cyberbullying combined with cyberstalking. Unfortunately, those are pretty common practices.
In my opinion, this is the biggest argument why people should never treat online forums/comments too seriously, but to be fair, if you are a target of cyberstalker and you are not aware of it - you may really get wrong impression about "how people perceive your work" and at best just feel sad about it, while you are in fact a target of a sick person delibarately distorting reality (or virtual reality) around you.
In this case I'd hardly call it cyberbullying or cyberstalking. Pouet makes it very easy to go from public info to other public info. I could click the name on your post to see your contributions, too. The comment also didn't explicitly say anything derogatory either. As said myself in the end, it didn't really matter to me (and seemingly them, too).
Starchaser: I know, there is not enough incentive to do really nasty things on this forum, that's why the real twisted creatures are ignoring it. I was just reading too much dark psychology lately ;)
added on the 2016-08-18 20:34:12 by tomkh tomkh
Anyway, that is the actual source: ubuntu forums.

And an interesting post:
The majority of our users are very nice people. This community is great!

Sounds familiar, no?
added on the 2016-08-18 20:46:43 by tomkh tomkh
linux sux
added on the 2016-08-18 21:55:51 by rutra80 rutra80
Oneliner from 2016-04-04 09:28 by rutra80:
OS X and Linux suck

We hear you.
added on the 2016-08-18 22:04:49 by tomkh tomkh
I'm feeling stalked 8/
added on the 2016-08-18 22:11:02 by rutra80 rutra80
Google [unfortunately?] makes it all too easy.


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