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innactive groupnames / ghettoscene drama encore

category: general [glöplog]
picking up on what some folks were mentioning on http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=67956

apparently hardy is the authority of when a group is active or not. so a group is not active unless he is convinced it should be.

i was always under the impression it was up to the _actual group members_ to decide under what group names they want the release they are working on to be released under.

but apparently no. years of rsi vs trsi vs "fake" trsi ghettoscene drama have made it clear: you can not ressurect your old groups name without someone bitching about it.

that's horseshit.

i dislike ghettoscene revival drama as much as the next guy, but there is a difference between dropping big names to get ego trip nostalgia votes and dropping big names _BECAUSE THAT'S YOUR MAIN GROUP AND YOU ARE DOING A NEW RELEASE_

tl;dr: stop whinning about other peoples decisions to revive their groups or not. it's their decision to use their groupname or not, not yours.
added on the 2016-08-17 16:32:40 by psenough psenough
I used to be a member of TRSI and DCS. In fact, I don't remember leaving so maybe my next compo entry will be TRDCSSI
added on the 2016-08-17 16:45:57 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
I should revive lökklubben (the onion club)... hmh.. no demos from the group on pouet either :P
added on the 2016-08-17 17:09:10 by whizzter whizzter
TRDCSSI just rolls out the tongue!
added on the 2016-08-17 17:19:16 by psenough psenough
If a coder from a known group makes a comeback they're always perfectly allowed to use their old group name though, regardless if any other members are still around (see Lemon. and Horizon for example).

I sense SCENE RACISM against musicians and artists!!!1
added on the 2016-08-17 17:22:49 by Radiant Radiant
NEXTEMPIRE disagrees!
added on the 2016-08-17 17:46:36 by el mal el mal
Doesn't this kind of "drama" appear in the more well known realm of music as well?
Mega-famous group "X" calls it quit and retires. But now the keyboardist wants to start touring again, can he still call it group "X", even though the lead singer and guitarist aren't playing anymore?
I don't think they have solved the issue, so I think the drama will continue in the scene as well...
added on the 2016-08-17 17:46:38 by Sdw Sdw
for the mega-famous groups there are lawyers to solve such issues, i think. can be wrong, because never been involved in such things.
added on the 2016-08-17 18:06:35 by elfh elfh
A group is active when they release new stuff. At least that's what I understand as activity.

However, sometimes could be better to create a brand new group if all the creators of a prod are members of different old groups. But, yeah, it's up to them to release their things under whatever label they wish!

added on the 2016-08-17 18:27:19 by ham ham
Clearly we need more scene lawyers.
this drama only appears among 35+year olds with still the mental capacity suited for the age when they discovered the scene ~25 years ago.
added on the 2016-08-17 18:29:06 by el mal el mal
netpoet multiplies!
added on the 2016-08-17 18:29:46 by psenough psenough
I'm still waiting for RSI's next megademo!
added on the 2016-08-17 19:01:50 by Scali Scali
What Saga Musix said, scene lawyers for the ghettoscene.
added on the 2016-08-17 19:03:14 by lvd lvd
I was once known as Jester until some admin dropped my account when "the real" Jester wanted to join. Made me wonder if scene-names really need to be bijective. So look out for a new release from the mighty Jester of RSI any time soon!
added on the 2016-08-17 19:33:36 by noname noname
I'm wondering what Vehtoripehtoorit, Kootikelmit, Rahviikkarötösherrat, Mussiikkimäjjäyttäjät or Reitreisikreisit will think if I ever revive their old brands.
added on the 2016-08-17 19:35:02 by Marq Marq
I dont see any real drama and of course anybody can release under the label they want but in the example hardy refered to it would really had made sense to chose a new group or project name or whatever instead of listing 3 (very) oldschool groups which seemed kind of namevotingish and random.
But im all for comebacks from old guys, make more stuff!
added on the 2016-08-17 19:51:42 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
What drama? One guy says "I don't like that you use old group names" and another guy says "Yeah, I think so too".

Perhaps I'll release something under "Spaceballs PC" or "Proxima" soon, just to get things riled up again. :)
added on the 2016-08-17 20:00:50 by gloom gloom
Future Crew New Style
added on the 2016-08-17 20:15:48 by el mal el mal
Asking for ppl to forget about their past and create a new group when they release...
Especially in this case where there's no doubt they were (and still are) core parts of their groups...
Feels a bit insulting to me.
Groups come with history and good memories. Cant using their names push old pals to rejoin? Why should they be buried when ppl show they're alive. Shouldn't we just ask for more ?
But I'm probably biased here.
added on the 2016-08-17 20:16:58 by alkama alkama
No drama anywhere with groups except with baudsurfer's ridiculous and arrogant claims to have been one of the founders of RSI.
added on the 2016-08-17 20:34:37 by Serpent Serpent
baudsurfer should manipulate this wiki page too with some RSI history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invented_tradition
added on the 2016-08-17 20:41:47 by el mal el mal
Personally if you put in some time and effort into a group and wanted to release something much later under the same name even if they've been inactive in the mean time, I don't see the big deal. In absence of any contracts you kind of own a part of the name since you contributed to it.

If all you did was claim membership during your time there and show up to parties to drink beer, then it's less of a claim and I could probably see people complaining a little about that. At what point does it become using the name just to claim the instant recognition?

Obviously I don't think it's too great for someone to release under a name of an existing (or extinct) group if they weren't ever a part of it, but in the case of the big drama here I don't know that either side has really presented enough of anything to know which way to go there. I think it falls under my last paragraph. However, there's plenty of sceners that have the same name, usually differentiated by which groups they belong to, so I think name reuse is probably bound to happen, so I think it's probably fine so long as the group using the name again doesn't purport to be the same group as the original. Of course the easy way to not do that is to tack on some sort of identifier "[de]" or whatever, but then is it really the same group name? ;)

by noname:
I was once known as Jester until some admin dropped my account when "the real" Jester wanted to join. Made me wonder if scene-names really need to be bijective. So look out for a new release from the mighty Jester of RSI any time soon!
Well that sucks, but I can somewhat see it form the other side. Nectarine has two "brm" users, but only one is the artist. The artist got their second so they're "brm_"

In the end I think both parties in these disputes should cool off and stop trying to antagonize each other. It's not going to stop until one side drops it, and the other follows suit. There's not much that can be done about it in absence of any contracts, copyright, etc. so just let it go... (and no, I don't mean the Frozen song, which thankfully I've never heard) Nobody here is the sole arbiter for scene things. There is no King of the Sceners.

by Sdw:
Doesn't this kind of "drama" appear in the more well known realm of music as well?
Mega-famous group "X" calls it quit and retires. But now the keyboardist wants to start touring again, can he still call it group "X", even though the lead singer and guitarist aren't playing anymore?
I don't think they have solved the issue, so I think the drama will continue in the scene as well...
There's probably contracts and other things involved with that we don't have here that make such situations more complicated.
by Starchaser:[...]The artist got their second so they're "brm_"[...]
their account*


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