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Assembly 2016?

category: parties [glöplog]
I am sorry for that, but whether Assembly 2016 Summer is planned or not? I can't google anything about it (only Assembly 2016 Winter), and here are no any threads about it except assembly oldskool democompo. Also it's not listed in demoparty.net. So, what's up with ASM2016 summer?

Thank you.
added on the 2016-01-27 11:37:25 by sq sq
My guess is that there will probably be more info out after Assembly 2016 Winter
added on the 2016-01-27 11:44:16 by britelite britelite
Given that the Assembly orgs already ask people how to hold the oldskool compos this year... I'd say yes, there will most likely be an Assembly party this summer.
Oh wait, you mentioned that one. But yes, that still answers the original question that it is planned. :P
It's cancelled, sorry. The oldskool compo will be held in the Boozembly forest.
added on the 2016-01-27 12:37:50 by okkie okkie
true assembly is dead now?
added on the 2016-01-27 13:45:14 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
Given that the Assembly orgs already ask people how to hold the oldskool compos this year... I'd say yes, there will most likely be an Assembly party this summer.

They didn't specify the year of Assembly Summer though :)
added on the 2016-01-27 13:50:50 by Scali Scali
Touché :)
We've announced ASSEMBLY Summer 2016 already when wrapping up last event in August. Dates are 4th to 7th August and we'll be at Messukeskus, Helsinki like in 2015.

Compo wise, no extraordinary changes expected save for the oldschool compo rule discussion.

Looking forward to meeting many of you again!
added on the 2016-01-27 14:45:11 by abyss abyss
and not colliding with evoke, so that's good for both parties :)
added on the 2016-01-27 16:07:54 by el mal el mal
Still no 64k compo? Another year without an assembly release from me then.
added on the 2016-01-27 17:10:23 by urs urs
added both Assembly to demoparty.net now
"Both"? Since when is Assembly Winter a demoparty? This is not lanparty.net.
The Assembly Summer 2016 schedule has been published and it can be found here.

Note that the compo deadlines are changed from previous years!
Most radical change is that deadline for compos listed below are at Thursday 4.8. 12:00!

  • Graphics
  • Photo
  • Listening Music
  • Dance Music
  • Short Film
  • Real Wild
  • Oldskool

Deadlines for 1k- and 4-intro compos as well as for demo compo are at Friday 5.8. 19:00.

Fast graphics objectives are released at Thursday 4.8. 18:00 and the deadline is 4.8. 19:30.

Fast music objectives are released at Thursday 4.8.2016 19:30 and the deadline is 4.8. 21:00.

Also don't forget that the game development deadline is already this Friday at 18:00!

All the times in the schedule are Finnish time (EEST or UTC+3)
added on the 2016-07-26 21:45:55 by rimina rimina
fuckfuckfuckfuck. hoping I will finish my prod in time.
added on the 2016-07-26 22:07:25 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
thursday oh no.
added on the 2016-07-26 22:14:54 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Sorry about it *shrug*

This year we are really short on time for demoscene content, and we will try to make this better for next year. But let's not promise anything before we get this year settled.

Hey, less time usually makes you think a bit outside of the box, riiiight?
added on the 2016-07-26 22:45:50 by spiikki spiikki
Wiklund/Fairlight to Assembly Summer 2016:

Here's the news item.


Can't wait, since he rocked the show at Revision SO HARD.
added on the 2016-07-28 10:44:56 by mayor mayor
fuck yea wiklund
added on the 2016-07-28 11:00:15 by visy visy
Registration to demoscene competition has been opened!

Please note, that the application-deadline to Photo, Graphics, Dance music, Listening music, Short film, Oldskool and Real wild is in 4.8. 12:00 Finnish time!

Startup your calculators and pencils.
added on the 2016-07-28 11:10:23 by mayor mayor
I am sensing some ambiguity on the rules page regarding the "desktop" PC's operating system:



Last but not least, the machine will feature windows 8.1 pro (64bit) as the operating system
We support only the following operating systems:

Windows 10 (64 bit)
added on the 2016-07-28 21:29:49 by yzi yzi
Sounds as though the concerts will be good again this year.

Kebu is also playing, just before Wiklund :) He played an excellent gig a few years ago, so he's worth seeing again :)
added on the 2016-07-28 22:01:34 by Felice Felice
Sounds as though the concerts will be good again this year.

Kebu is also playing, just before Wiklund :) He played an excellent gig a few years ago, so he's worth seeing again :)

This is not the case. Wiklund will play 01:00 during the night between thursday and friday. Kebu's gig is on friday evening. We also snagged some bad ass VJs for both concerts. Enjoy.
added on the 2016-08-02 21:53:12 by mayor mayor
I want to remind you once again about the deadlines!

Please note that the compo submission deadlines at ASSEMBLY Summer 2016 have changed from previous years.

Deadlines are as follows

Thursday 12:00
Photo, Graphics, Dance Music, Listening Music, Short Film, Real Wild Demo, Oldskool Demo

Thursday 19:30
Fast Graphics

Thursday 21:00
Fast Music

Friday 19:00
1k intro, 4k intro, demo

You can submit remotely for every compo at https://pms.assembly.org. You need a ticket purchased from https://tickets.assembly.org. Once you’ve purchased a ticket, you can find your PMS registration code by navigating in the ticket shop to “Events > PMS Codes” or if using Finnish language “Tapahtuma > PMS Koodit”.

Entries can be updated until one hour before the compo jury starting. See Schedule at http://www.assembly.org/summer16/program/schedule/.

Drop us a line at compocrew(at)assembly.org if you have questions or problems submitting your entry.
added on the 2016-08-03 12:01:17 by rimina rimina
seems that I will miss assembly compos this year. sorry :(
added on the 2016-08-03 13:00:16 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7


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