Revision 2016 - 25th to 28th March - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
farfar sent email but it hasnt been delivered.
Creonix: sorry, I can see my email was seriously out of date. Like, "1996" out of date :) it should be updated now.
or just put it in vimeo :P
*on... jesus.. new keyboard
maali is right. revision demoparty should make a vimeo account
...or make a torrent of revision 2016.
Or you could just shrug and move on with your life :)
Or you could just shrug and move on with your life :)
But what would become of the pouet bbs if everyone did that?!
An informational resource? :)
But a boring one :D
welp. i guess i'm having a content id virginity.

the lennu fanclub!
farfar: i heard you have video of knoeki's set downloaded, plz give it to me via the email :)
email is
email is
tft: So how much money did you get? :)
tft: So how much money did you get? :)
Nothing, but google actually offered 1TB of space at Google Drive. But haven't checked out if it really is like so, or if I need to do other stuff to get that.
But would be great to make money of DDT, I'll send him royalties :P
"Dieses Video ist in Deutschland leider nicht verfügbar" ... F*ck you, GEMA!
Good day, dear revision-party Organizers!
I organize free gamedev exhibition for children at march 2017 and want to use some content of your website
This part:
<span id="rocket">
<span id="rocketGroup">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketSmoke" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-smoke.png">
<img class="aniTumble aniScale" id="rocketEngine" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-engine.png">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketBody" src="/media/images/2015/rocket.png">
The example of usage is here .
Tell me please about any prohibits or permissions of usage content.
* I wrote to , but no answers.
I organize free gamedev exhibition for children at march 2017 and want to use some content of your website
This part:
<span id="rocket">
<span id="rocketGroup">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketSmoke" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-smoke.png">
<img class="aniTumble aniScale" id="rocketEngine" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-engine.png">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketBody" src="/media/images/2015/rocket.png">
The example of usage is here .
Tell me please about any prohibits or permissions of usage content.
* I wrote to , but no answers.
Good day, dear revision-party Organizers!
I organize free gamedev exhibition for children at march 2017 and want to use some content of your website
This part:
<span id="rocket">
<span id="rocketGroup">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketSmoke" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-smoke.png">
<img class="aniTumble aniScale" id="rocketEngine" src="/media/images/2015/rocket-engine.png">
<img class="aniTumble" id="rocketBody" src="/media/images/2015/rocket.png">
The example of usage is here .
Tell me please about any prohibits or permissions of usage content.
* I wrote to , but no answers.
Hey, I wrote you an email yesterday. Did you get it?
the orchard music blocked shader showdown semifinals video due to the video containing Look at them by jeanne added, while the song played in a blocked video was completely different.
turns out i was wrong. i heard bit of "look at them by jeanne added" in that video. damnit. i'm feeling like a dick now.
Does anyone have the setlist for alkama's liveset? I am particularly interested in the closing track. Thanks!
@cxw: Oh that track is "Rodriguez Jr. - Porto Alegre (Alkama remix)" but both the original and my remix are unfinished and unreleased, hence it's fun to play it live ;)
This track "theme" was originally just a transition during a liveset my friend Rodriguez Jr. played in 2006... Found it brilliant and decided to make a full track out of it and convince him to make his original a real track;) Bit as of 2017 it remains to be done.
But I'm happy you like it!
This track "theme" was originally just a transition during a liveset my friend Rodriguez Jr. played in 2006... Found it brilliant and decided to make a full track out of it and convince him to make his original a real track;) Bit as of 2017 it remains to be done.
But I'm happy you like it!
Suggestion for music compo @ Revision 2017: "Demoscene mashup". Tracks must contain at least three demoscene related music tracks mashed up (from demos/compos).
Example from mixes (with two tracks, during transitions):
"JazzCat - Metropolice" + "Hansee - It's Alive"
"Krisseh - Side Effects" + "Dakota - Low Frequency Flow"
Example from mixes (with two tracks, during transitions):
"JazzCat - Metropolice" + "Hansee - It's Alive"
"Krisseh - Side Effects" + "Dakota - Low Frequency Flow"
Suggestion for music compo @ Revision 2017: "Demoscene mashup"
I approve of this. Because of reasons.