Show what you do in Photoshop
category: gfx [glöplog]
I have a blog somewhere, but it's a huge mess of posts of sketches and stuff, so no real updated gallery, no :(
Aww, you should really put up a page somewhere. something like deviantart or pixiv.
Your dithering made me reach for the box of kleenex then that fat thing made me limp GG!
Yeah, what works for some doesn't for others :)
My breakfast kinda got out of control, and it made me do furious things.

@Forcer: wow..remnds me of spray painting..really liked each and every of your pictures.

Buy my art!!! yay!!
A day ago Mt. Etna erupted. It looked like this:

I commented to some friends on fb that this pic should be a hair metal album jacket. Because look at it!
That was this morning.
SO THEN... a while later, boredom, stress & sleep deprivation caught up to me, and this happened:

Yeah, the couple hrs I spent making that were clearly the *best possible* use of my time. I regret nothing.

I commented to some friends on fb that this pic should be a hair metal album jacket. Because look at it!
That was this morning.
SO THEN... a while later, boredom, stress & sleep deprivation caught up to me, and this happened:

Yeah, the couple hrs I spent making that were clearly the *best possible* use of my time. I regret nothing.
Am I seeing two bass guitars (chick and guy on the left)? :) Good job jmph!
Nice one @jmph .. Now where to find that vinyl?
^^ Haha awesome. Should have known there was already a band around using that name. Quite enjoying the linked album BTW, ❤ nonvocal metal.
Remaking Tullio Crali's The Strength of the Curve, WIP



This thread is a bit slumbering isn't it? :)
Here is something I worked on this afternoon, after accidently stumbling upon a Flimbos Quest longplay.

Here is something I worked on this afternoon, after accidently stumbling upon a Flimbos Quest longplay.

cosmicollie: Cool as fuck.
thank you very much :)
inspired by THE master:
all the best, cosmic
thank you very much :)
inspired by THE master:
all the best, cosmic

hmm, looks familiar SnC ;)
Yes, it was actually the beginning of it, before I decided to finish it up :)
Not made in photoshop but well ;)

it's the cover of my new novel (the first continent).

it's the cover of my new novel (the first continent).

Not made in photoshop but well ;)
Is it made from stone? :3