Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Whut? After three weeks of heavy coding the only visible difference are the rounded buttons :(

Wot, never thought I would find such a demoish game. Gonna buy it soon!
Still working on my ray marcher. It's getting there, bit by bit :)

Random "work instead of progress" shot:

omg :D

@visy: I find the director Cinema Director to be absolutely horrible to use. Can you make any sense of your timeline? Really looking for some alternatives.

blurry truecolor shit
@pommak: I've found that reordering the actor groups by order they appear in the demo helps. Otherwise I can understand how a complex thing could easily just become unmanageable with it. Still, it's the least worst solution for syncing in Unity I've tested so far... :P
pommak you suck, having 1304 hours of POLLEN playtime and still being 10 achievements short? guess this game just isn't for you.
pommak you suck, having 1304 hours of POLLEN playtime and still being 10 achievements short? guess this game just isn't for you.
No I love the game, I'm just a very bad player :(
Another tool in the works. A day well spent:

The piccy is "Countryside" by Dr. TerrorZ, used for testing purposes only.
pommak: also some cheevs dont trigger - e.g. if you pick up a key and place it into the slot before picking up all the others, you never get the cheev for picking up all 3 (i.e. i guess it only triggers if you have them all in your inventory at once)
On a more serious note, POLLEN does seem lovely indeed, it's on my wishlist, if I get a VR set it will be the first thing I buy for it, but for those without VR it may be a lil bit too pricey...
@marq: awesome
wbc\\bz7: nice!
sensenstahl: thanks! I'll not spoil whole demo ;), planning to release it here (unfortunaly in wild, however proper compomachine (p2-450 afaik) is ready ;)
@ wbc\\bz7: nice, but keep it runnable on real 90ies hardware - please.

^ wow
Looks like broken glass with two polarising filters
1in10: ITS A SCAN! :) Nice.