Euclideon (aka. Unlimited Detail) is at it again
category: general [glöplog]
A tangent: has anyone else already mentioned the similarity between their logo and Scala's?

meanwhile this happened (along with other companies, of course):
the most uninformative site i've been to this year tho
.io domain? check.
abuse of css scroll? check.
"as featured on"? check.
"out now on Steam" - but no fucking store link.
Goddamn front-end devs.
abuse of css scroll? check.
"as featured on"? check.
"out now on Steam" - but no fucking store link.
Goddamn front-end devs.
Stop being so 2007, the Internet was never about information.
it's about point clouds of cats! (with static lighting!)
Point cloud dart are.
the website sucks, but the VR demo on steam was pretty nice.. not super-awesome, but nice..
just wanted to point out that other companies can do similar stuff, although maybe not with all the supposedly awesome rocket science below the hood and in the cloud..
just wanted to point out that other companies can do similar stuff, although maybe not with all the supposedly awesome rocket science below the hood and in the cloud..
Their heads are in the cloud.
That looks like a horrible fantasy from the Nineties.
Realtime shading is so 2015!
Euclideon introduces all new pre-baked lighting technology!
Euclideon introduces all new pre-baked lighting technology!

Oh man I haven't seen graphics like that since the last time I watched the Lawnmower Man.
On behalf of Australia I want to apologise for this mans shameless exaggerations. His continuing claims to have invented already existing technology and trying to present decades old rendering techniques as cutting edge is deeply embarassing.
On behalf of Australia I want to apologise for this mans shameless exaggerations. His continuing claims to have invented already existing technology and trying to present decades old rendering techniques as cutting edge is deeply embarassing.
"Trying"? Succeeding.
Yeah well he pitches this shit at people who don't know any better I guess. I think he has no morals and his behaviour is disgraceful.
And yeah I am pissed because he is swindling tax-payers money in the form of government grants meanwhile people I know who are legitimately talented and wanted to work in the games industry lost their jobs due to zero government support.
those animations look really laggy and terrible, and the lighting is just bad looking.
Oh man I haven't seen graphics like that since the last time I watched the Lawnmower Man.
thought i had seen em somewhere before..
Interestingly, the movement in that game is "move forward" and strafe left/right, rather than rotate. I wonder if rotate itself is an expensive operation.
Maybe he's going for the Vaporwave angle...
Interestingly, the movement in that game is "move forward" and strafe left/right, rather than rotate. I wonder if rotate itself is an expensive operation.
Ha.. well spotted. The other interesting "gameplay mechanic" is that the aim of the game seems to be to dodge the enemies.. which is a great way of avoiding showing how bad they look up close :)
Unlimited Limitations ™
Vaporwave Aesthetics in UNLIMITED DETAIL.
Now you can zoom in, I said.. IN to the marble statues and palm trees!
Now you can zoom in, I said.. IN to the marble statues and palm trees!
That's a lot of aliasing for unlimited detail. I guess their trying to mimic Minecraft's aesthetics. The rocks don't have that much detail when they're close up, the trees all look the same, lighting is static, view distance looks quite limited. Also before the game they show a realtime city point cloud that is running at 1fps or so.