Going to parties with a social phobia
category: parties [glöplog]
ham: that's why most forums use tree-like structure for posts. It might be harder to read, but makes it easier to ignore certain branches. However, this is still not perfect - branches are harder to navigate and track what is new. Anyone has an idea how to solve this UX puzzle? ;)
that's why most forums use tree-like structure for posts.

Also, get the fuck back on topic and start your own thread, for fucks sake (:
i hate tree structures! burn the forest!
We just need to split every thread into two branches: main discussion and meta-discussion. You can shit on me, but you are doing it as well, on a daily basis.
Please just leave and don't let the door hit your whiny ass.
what @knoeki said
The topic was going side-ways for a while anyway. And it wasn't me who started ;)
that's why most forums use tree-like structure for posts. It might be harder to read, but makes it easier to ignore certain branches. However, this is still not perfect - branches are harder to navigate and track what is new. Anyone has an idea how to solve this UX puzzle? ;)
Factor6: I wanted to leave, but really? You are starting one "guys help, I have a serious problem" topic after another. Previously it was "Relationship breakup, what next?". I mean, ok, I understand it helps you to get better and you have a full right to do it on pouet, but it's not that those topics are strictly related to demomaking, are they? Now, when I happen to derail (after it was already derailed) this anyway residue-style topic, you all over me in accusations. Like, really? If my help is not appreciated, lots of luck, gentlemen.
make a demo about tree structures! :)
I understand it helps you to get better and you have a full right to do it on pouet, but it's not that those topics are strictly related to demomaking, are they?
Nice cherry picking, but you may have noticed that at least 1/3rd of threads on this site aren't strictly related to making demos (:
Now, when I happen to derail (after it was already derailed) this anyway residue-style topic
hold the fuck on. How is this residue? This was actually about discussing a certain scene related topic, namely that of going to (demo)parties with social anxiety. I feel that's a lot more relevant than your "maybe we need tree-like forum threads" crap.
If my help is not appreciated, lots of luck, gentlemen.
I'm surprised it's finally starting to penetrate your thick skull that your "hurr muh opinions r factz" replies aren't appreciated.
See also FAQ - now would probably be a good point to stop swimming upstream.
haha. if you can piss knoeki off, you seriously have issues! :)
another sidetrack:
I always feel embarassed when someone from the 'real world' realizes I'm involved in the scene. The outside world clearly doesnt understands us and thinks of us as weirdos. (just think of those stupid questions one non scener may ask..) Especially because of doing all this on the c64... I've heard so many times, that why you still use that old computer etc crap, whats the use of this? bla bla
anyone else feeling the same ? (:-)
I always feel embarassed when someone from the 'real world' realizes I'm involved in the scene. The outside world clearly doesnt understands us and thinks of us as weirdos. (just think of those stupid questions one non scener may ask..) Especially because of doing all this on the c64... I've heard so many times, that why you still use that old computer etc crap, whats the use of this? bla bla
anyone else feeling the same ? (:-)
Not really. What I've noticed is that the "real world" mostly just sees it as another "computer stuff" hobby. Not even that weird or anything, just not in their area of interests.
not really, it's how you frame it for those people. But it is getting annoying that some people who have no utter clue about the demoscene and you told them a few times what you do, still refer to it as gaming or 'doing game stuff' as they somehow keep associating it with LAN parties :P
hmm there was actually a time when i tried to bring it all to the real world people i know, but yeah, its too weird and niche so most of them just don't care. but that's ok and i don't talk about it a lot these days.
however, not shoving demos and oldschool facts down my friends throats doesn't make me embarrassed for what i like. if i meet someone tech savvy and i drop a bit of demoscene talk and they actually know what its about it makes me happy. and yes, that does happen occasionally.
however, not shoving demos and oldschool facts down my friends throats doesn't make me embarrassed for what i like. if i meet someone tech savvy and i drop a bit of demoscene talk and they actually know what its about it makes me happy. and yes, that does happen occasionally.
Maali: thanks, speaking of phobia, I am afraid to go to a party now and meet some people in person :-! I have to serious stop posting, somehow it doesn't work for me well.
tomkh: don't mind the bullies
@Oswald: I'm feeling exactly like that, yes. I remember an episode when an internet provider came to connect my internet, i had a c64 on the table next to the pc keyboard. He asked what am I doing with that crap. I said it's not a crap and I'm making music on it and he was looking at me like an idiot.
his loss, not yours
I've had good luck talking with people not in the scene about this sort of stuff, though I will grant the people I gave the presentation and showed a few demos to were fairly computer savvy people already. (It was an over lunch organized get together thing in a meeting room.) It probably just depends on who you talk with and what their interests are.
plek: you mean copypasting the screenmodes, getpixel and putpixel routines written in ASM and filling the blanks with a more sensible language, right? ;)
Random stuff back in the mid-90s when I was 13 years old. In the end I had to go and research how it actually ticked and that did some good for me. Information wasn't as prevalent nor easy to find as it has been the last decade and then some.
Sorry guys, but the discussion is a joke for me. If you don't love or even like programming, just forget it. Dedication and passion is a prerequisite to go anywhere with it, especially in your spare time.
One of the main points in a lecture I gave recently to students aspiring a meaningful career in game (technology) programming. Totally right.
Last but not least: tip the veal, try the waitress.
Some party memories, from the Amstrad Expo party in Coutances which is more or less open to external visitors (not that anyone would care enough to visit it).
Once we had one guy entering the room and noticing an Amstrad CPC, and going "hey look, this guy is using an old shitty Amstrad computer!". And only after that he noticed ALL computers in the room where the same.
One year we had people from the local newspaper visiting and asking people what it was about and why we were using these old machines and not some more modern computers. Someone came up with this comparison: "There is this event called Tour de France where people run hundreds of kilometers on bicycles. They could use motorcycles instead, but it wouldn't really be the same thing".
So it's just a matter of how you view things. Lots of people are doing weird stuff in their free time, like spending hours watching TV or posting messages on internet forums. I think my time is better spent writing code, be it on 8bit machines.
Once we had one guy entering the room and noticing an Amstrad CPC, and going "hey look, this guy is using an old shitty Amstrad computer!". And only after that he noticed ALL computers in the room where the same.
One year we had people from the local newspaper visiting and asking people what it was about and why we were using these old machines and not some more modern computers. Someone came up with this comparison: "There is this event called Tour de France where people run hundreds of kilometers on bicycles. They could use motorcycles instead, but it wouldn't really be the same thing".
So it's just a matter of how you view things. Lots of people are doing weird stuff in their free time, like spending hours watching TV or posting messages on internet forums. I think my time is better spent writing code, be it on 8bit machines.
One year we had people from the local newspaper visiting and asking people what it was about and why we were using these old machines and not some more modern computers. Someone came up with this comparison: "There is this event called Tour de France where people run hundreds of kilometers on bicycles. They could use motorcycles instead, but it wouldn't really be the same thing".
Excellent remark. Probably the most effective way to make them understand.
That's such a sweet way to describe it <3 I'm gonna remember that analogy, I feel it works pretty well.