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I am a Russian and I am offended

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Rush B, Don't Stop!
added on the 2016-01-11 22:04:14 by FeN FeN
Say that not all men are evil and post it under #feminism tag.

that's old..anything new?
added on the 2016-01-11 22:54:11 by 1in10 1in10
Say that not all men are evil and post it under #feminism tag.

that's old..anything new?

You sure have faith in humanity to think that they can actually get over things and move forward.
added on the 2016-01-11 23:07:40 by TomoAlien TomoAlien
You sure have faith in humanity to think that they can actually get over things and move forward.

don't you thrust yourself?
things are concepts.
concepts are what creativity tells em to are.
we are on a planet that moves thru space. how can you be still..
added on the 2016-01-11 23:35:49 by 1in10 1in10
(oh, and thanks to this thread's author for supplying a name template for our demoscene productions during the next 10 years, sincerely...)
added on the 2016-01-12 08:34:09 by fra fra


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