Revision 2016 - 25th to 28th March - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
I just noticed that the DST switch is during the Revision weekend this year (yet another reason why easter parties in March are stupid! :). Does that mean that doors will open an hour earlier to compensate? :D
The only change is that the Amiga demo compo will be scheduled between 2:00 and 3:00 AM.
Actually, the plan was to cancel some of the PC compos by heavy preselection, and merge the 2 semi-watchable products from every PC compo to a combined one.
If that frees up too much time, we fill it with an Amiga demoshow. Easy.
Actually, the plan was to cancel some of the PC compos by heavy preselection, and merge the 2 semi-watchable products from every PC compo to a combined one.
If that frees up too much time, we fill it with an Amiga demoshow. Easy.
Actually, the plan was to cancel some of the PC compos by heavy preselection, and merge the 2 semi-watchable products from every PC compo to a combined one.
How do you plan on doing that if PM2 doesn't work properly on the Amiga? ;)
I just noticed that the DST switch is during the Revision weekend this year
That's great news in my book! :) My day/night schedule gets fucked up during Revision anyway, so if for once I won't get screwed by the DST switch as well...
That's the only positive way of looking at it :D
Cider is always good :D
saga: you're just after a 70 eurocent refund of entrance fee!!!!!111
Cider is always good :D
Maali: In fact I'm after an extra hour of paaartyyy! :P
Are there any plans to increase the sleeping place area or perhaps open a new area if possible?
I'm asking because so far every year I have attended, the sleeping area up the stairs behind the screen never had any free space left when I tried to squeeze myself in on the first night, and had to fall back to the carpeted grandstand thingies (which are ok, though a bit in the open and hence noisy). I know, fuck me because I don't reserve a sleeping area space with a bigass matress, but the problem is there.
I'm asking because so far every year I have attended, the sleeping area up the stairs behind the screen never had any free space left when I tried to squeeze myself in on the first night, and had to fall back to the carpeted grandstand thingies (which are ok, though a bit in the open and hence noisy). I know, fuck me because I don't reserve a sleeping area space with a bigass matress, but the problem is there.
Are there any plans to increase the sleeping place area or perhaps open a new area if possible?
We would love to provide more sleeping space. But there simply is no hidden room which we could use. You should see the backstage area where most of the organizers sleep - we are sleeping packed like sardines :D

oh well :)

sorry it had to go this way ;P
Thi is a good picture of "the smell".
aaand.. some orgas sleep in the car because they don't like it. I would recommend you to consider coming via VW-Bus? :)
aaand.. some orgas sleep in the car because they don't like it. I would recommend you to consider coming via VW-Bus? :)
Will there be any changes to the Doors Open/Doors Close-times compared to 2015?
Will there be any changes to the Doors Open/Doors Close-times compared to 2015?
It's currently not planned. Any particular reason why you ask?
Maybe because
I just noticed that the DST switch is during the Revision weekend this year (yet another reason why easter parties in March are stupid! :). Does that mean that doors will open an hour earlier to compensate? :D
It's currently not planned. Any particular reason why you ask?
Just wanted to buy my traintickets. :o)
You can always hang around for another hour at the party place before / after the party in the worst case, there will always be other sceners. ;D