Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
just missing a scale/crop on the input image (unless i missed that?)
Sigh, I guess I'll have to do that too. Next I know this will generate .TAP files and tweet your progress..
haha... please don't make it write taps or tweet :D
i'm happy to code features rather than just demand them if that helps?
i'm happy to code features rather than just demand them if that helps?
i'm happy to code features rather than just demand them if that helps?
Yeah, pull requests are welcome. Even though it's quite bit of a mess currently.

1in10: what? *_*
1in10, uuh aah ooh!
looks like a photo of frozen lätäkkö :)
according to the amount of post processing this is the new hackers demo
@sensenstahl and others..
epson v600 scanner trying to scan painting painted using only chrome paint.
it only saw the topography
epson v600 scanner trying to scan painting painted using only chrome paint.
it only saw the topography
epson v600 scanner trying to scan painting painted using only chrome paint.
it only saw the topography
1in10: and now make a wild demo :)

epson v600 scanner trying to scan painting painted using only chrome paint.
it only saw the topography
I have an Epson with a scanner too. Its an ability, not a feature, for Epsons.
it only saw the topography
I have an Epson with a scanner too. Its an ability, not a feature, for Epsons.
igor: what a coincidence! i am working on a UFO too!

Maali: I think Igor just took a photo.
tomkh: dunno, to me they look quite identical
Maali: nice garbage can

What is this Cupe? Looks like maybe some reference material related to your seminars?
Also this is as good a place as any to say... I really enjoyed your SDF seminars, they really helped me better understand how to create cool scenes with SDFs. All the cool domain repetition and mirroring tricks as well as the various intersection tricks were really great.
Also this is as good a place as any to say... I really enjoyed your SDF seminars, they really helped me better understand how to create cool scenes with SDFs. All the cool domain repetition and mirroring tricks as well as the various intersection tricks were really great.
cupe: Nice! Really looking forward to it!

cupe: online tutorial and src code for operators library? ; ) looks intriguing!