UNder-Construction Again. Second ATW Party. December 27-28-29 Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
I will post something about this on Monday. But yes, I think it will be the case.
Please don't mention the case, I'm already sick of that new amiga 1200 case bashing thread. Give us some information about the party, f.e. whether it's a TuM or a DKeV franchise.
There was much feedback last year. Some things are good... some things needs improvement (and yes... we will... we know... the name... and stuff...)
But let us keep with the good things first...
We got a spoken confirmation/unwritten agreement, that we can have the hall again for our event.
Soo... again. Like the last time.
The whole thing is happening in beautiful Gernsheim!
(Gernsheim, Georg-Schäfer-Platz 1, Germany)
You can chill at our nice bar/infodesk

Order food at the nearby restaurant SchniPoSa (Schnitzel, Pommes, Salat) or go there for food.
Drink something in the Hall

Or Socialize where the Smokers are... (Yes, the heated tent needs improvement, too)
For awesome taken pictures of the noble hall goto https://www.gernsheim.de/stadthalle.html
But let us keep with the good things first...
Nodepond wrote:
Really nice location. Wooden floor, good heating and comfortable chairs.
jco wrote:
party is a blast. totally laser. thanks for that!!
Saga Musix wrote:
Also: Great little party with an awesome decadent party place that didn't really match the party name, but who cares? Would love to see the next Christmas party happening there as well.
Knoeki wrote:
Shit, what an absolutely fantastic party.
Hopefully we'll see this party return soon <3
scamp wrote:
Hats off! The location is super nice.
We got a spoken confirmation/unwritten agreement, that we can have the hall again for our event.
Soo... again. Like the last time.
The whole thing is happening in beautiful Gernsheim!
(Gernsheim, Georg-Schäfer-Platz 1, Germany)
You can chill at our nice bar/infodesk

Order food at the nearby restaurant SchniPoSa (Schnitzel, Pommes, Salat) or go there for food.
Drink something in the Hall

Or Socialize where the Smokers are... (Yes, the heated tent needs improvement, too)
For awesome taken pictures of the noble hall goto https://www.gernsheim.de/stadthalle.html
Great to hear! \o/
I'm trying to get there and bring the Poo-Brain Party Experience as well!
This would be nice :)
We rly hope this year, we can skip the snowstorm :-)
So I can sweep "backup plan if dancefloor is empty" off my list and implement "major action, when dancefloor is full"
Sounds great \o/
Only written agreement is valid agreement, though ;)
Only written agreement is valid agreement, though ;)
yay! this is gonna be awesome. i'll ask lasergeek to go there too.
27-28-29? So it doesn't span over the weekend? :(
Yes. The date is somehow fixed, as it's between Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Ich habe keinen Urlaub! :( Sofascener edition for me. Have fun guys!
Hooray! Highly looking forward to the party. Sofasceners: Just take your sofa with you to the party, problem solved.
jeah, the same for me.
So I think I will handle the nightshifts again, work in the morning and then sleep in the afternoon...
Me fucked up at new years eve approaching :D
So I think I will handle the nightshifts again, work in the morning and then sleep in the afternoon...
Me fucked up at new years eve approaching :D
it would be nice to have you all attending :D
it would be nice to have you all attending :D
Oooohkay, we talked again and I have to say...
Finding a Name, that fits all needs, sucks...
very hard.
We decided not to go for the christmas thing, because we're all pretty happy to do some nerdy stuff instead of decoration with white and red glitter...
After days and days of Brainstorming and a lot of junk coming out of it...
we decided we need serious help. And also with the name!
Someone got a really, really good idea?
And hey.. I'm knowing that I'm exibit us to a a large cloud of puns here... but this is how much we need help finding a proper name that lasts.
You want to talk to your kids one day and say "hey, you know that party, where all those groups came together and where all this funny pictures have been made? Your dad once was the co-founder / founder of the actual Name!"
Cheers and Thanks upfront!:)
PS: http://under-construction.tum-party.net/register (just in case the page breaks ;))
Finding a Name, that fits all needs, sucks...
very hard.
We decided not to go for the christmas thing, because we're all pretty happy to do some nerdy stuff instead of decoration with white and red glitter...
After days and days of Brainstorming and a lot of junk coming out of it...
we decided we need serious help. And also with the name!
Someone got a really, really good idea?
And hey.. I'm knowing that I'm exibit us to a a large cloud of puns here... but this is how much we need help finding a proper name that lasts.
You want to talk to your kids one day and say "hey, you know that party, where all those groups came together and where all this funny pictures have been made? Your dad once was the co-founder / founder of the actual Name!"
Cheers and Thanks upfront!:)
PS: http://under-construction.tum-party.net/register (just in case the page breaks ;))
Someone got a really, really good idea?
Hitlercon 2015
well nice approach okkie, surely based on the fact, that mostly our group members often wear black and are white colored. I think the greek with the beard would be also okay... because of beard... beard seem to be important with this name you mentioned.
Sooo Thank you very much.
But no :)
Sooo Thank you very much.
But no :)
Use "momentUM", it contains tUM and it's slightly better than scrotUM, rectUM or tUMor… You're welcome.
tUM ;)