Playtime/duration for c64-music?
category: music [glöplog]
Is there a website that lists playtime/duration of c64-tunes?
Please no trolls having silly arguments, like the other thread (ie, please give me concrete tips, like a website).
Please no trolls having silly arguments, like the other thread (ie, please give me concrete tips, like a website).
HVSC includes a list/database of song lengths in the DOCUMENTS\Songlengths.txt file.
@TomoAlien: Thanks! I looked at the HVSC-info, but not at that file :P
We're not your queriable database, go and use if you don't need the commentary.
Duration? But you know that most C64 tunes are intended to be listened as an infinite loop. Don't they?
Duration? But you know that most C64 tunes are intended to be listened as an infinite loop. Don't they?
That's true. But you know, the Songlengths.txt is there for a reason.