Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
No code, almost no WIP shot (only varnish is missing).

I'm doing some stupid stuff using WriteConsoleOutputA to print characters. The cubefield effect I was going for looks horrible for now unfortunately! If you stand 2 metres away from your monitor it sometimes looks better though. I need to work on the ordering of characters I'm using to display from dark to light. Right now, I'm using:
" `-_:/~|(%zr*uwJ$khOZ8W@B#M"
Based purely on pixel density in the default windows terminal font. Fun to learn about some basic raymarching though :)

" `-_:/~|(%zr*uwJ$khOZ8W@B#M"
Based purely on pixel density in the default windows terminal font. Fun to learn about some basic raymarching though :)
Looks my upload failed: this should work: 

@noby: that looks so good!
branch: loads of good stuff there

cupe, that looks awesome !
cupe, indeed that looks very cool!
cupe: Already looks real nice, but it is definitely lacking some flying dildos and chrome skulls.
nor texts hanging on invisible planes nor spacecutting
those stroboholics motherfuckers
cupe I just envy so much that shot :D

Cover for my next mix. Tried to make it as bad as possible. Still much room for "improvement" cause it ain't as easy as it looks.
Btw, i decided to call out for a design challenge. Make something as bad as you can in 5 Minutes, post to imgur, tag with #design #mistake and share it. GO!
cupe: whoa, excellent coolness! Big thanks for inspiration boost :).
Btw is the shot raymarched?
Btw is the shot raymarched?
deepr: of course it is SDF modeled, I'm unable to do anything else ;)
that was not the question though; the true elite generate meshes from their SDFs
rpfr: you got da colors right, allright! reminds me of deluxepaint gradients :P
Not strictly WIP anymore, but here's the editor view of our demo!
shot from one of the scenes of the demo we could not finish in time for winning either asm or evoke:

Someone should start a "Videos/screenshots of your demotool" thread...

I meant:

@ronny: Perspective 3D-shadows are missing and bevels!