little help fixing partycompo section please?
category: general [glöplog]
added java intro
please add amiga 256b (rush hours 1998)
and pc 32b intro please.
one of those famous 0a000h sizecode compos as well.
one of those famous 0a000h sizecode compos as well.
added (and also pc64b and pc32b to prod type..)
16sec demo
well you can just suck my dick, ok?
- useless utility for Dreamhack (at least 2001),
- please re-order the compofields in the drop down menu, I have to type "pc<space>d" until pc demo appears. Please move the "pc 3d acc...", "pc non 3d acc..." and "pc win98 ..." to the end of the "pc <bla>"-list. thx.
- useless utility for Dreamhack (at least 2001),
- please re-order the compofields in the drop down menu, I have to type "pc<space>d" until pc demo appears. Please move the "pc 3d acc...", "pc non 3d acc..." and "pc win98 ..." to the end of the "pc <bla>"-list. thx.