Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Work in progress video:
video player used in f14.25 playing some dark comedy.
video player used in f14.25 playing some dark comedy.
experiments and effects for "on". not all of this got used obviously. posted in reverse chronological order, spanning about a month

pls post distance field for dog.
that is actually a photo of me at the time when i was coding this. and i keep the distance field of myself in a secure place because i have enough impostor syndrome already.
maybe we should hand you over to attention whore? ;)
Bah, so much cool stuff. How am I supposed to make a comeback when everything looks so elegant and shiny?
sagacity: do it on Amiga, those guys are starved for comebacks.
Sooo cool. Damn I'm still jealous.

cupe: I'm shit scared that people will find out I don't really have impostor syndrome...
glow: beautiful, but get rid of scene poetry while you can
cupe: please use the 6th & 8th from bottom somewhere, would love to see them in motion.
with GI ..and without GI ^^

coronoid wip

ok mom - gonna clean up my room once I have finished this explosion...

ok mom - gonna clean up my room once I have finished this explosion...
What is all that doing ?!
I can only assume you suspend yourself by cables from the ceiling...
Your room is literally Navis' code.

Work-in-progress of 8K reality
I see El Blanco has already made a new thread about his orchestration efforts, if you like to read about it from the perspective of the coder, my writeup is here: http://www.fulcrum-demo.org/2015/8k-reality

Cellular automata drawing Einstein?
turtra80: almost. that was my initial goal. thats just during the process. but its easy to decode that image above by using 2x2 blocks. can get some artsy picture by swapping the colors. original pic is floyd-dithered.
Meh, meh, meh... writing tools is so boring.