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Demoscene social issues

category: general [glöplog]
I go for bromance!
added on the 2015-04-17 18:26:07 by argasek argasek
Sounds like the good old discussion that the drunk, underfucked nerds with beerbelly scare away all girls. It is the demoscene and not a dating portal, also too many things in common spoil the fun in a relationship. Drinking wine at demoparties is pretty possible, been there, done that. And i mean good wine, not the 1,5l tetrapak :-)
Because yeah, we're like totally underfucked.

In contrast to the person who expressly wants romantic stuff happening on demoparties.
added on the 2015-04-17 18:36:48 by kb_ kb_
It's funny how I both come for the compos, the booze and the bromance, yet still just managed to have a child with someone I met at Breakpoint.
added on the 2015-04-17 18:39:42 by arcane arcane
It is somewhat unsettling how panicked the responses are once the suggestion of curbing down on the drinks is brought up.
added on the 2015-04-17 18:41:09 by Gargaj Gargaj
arcane: see, see! Although you are one in thousands that got lucky, the point is to give anyone (also girls) this chance;)
added on the 2015-04-17 18:43:12 by tomkh tomkh
"demanding" a percentage of girls at a demoparty. that is the most sexist/stupid thing i heard in a while. HA!
added on the 2015-04-17 18:45:49 by Ragnarok Ragnarok
ragnarok: right on
added on the 2015-04-17 18:48:34 by havoc havoc
tomkh's next move is probably to demand free entrance for girls like back in the 90s
added on the 2015-04-17 18:51:13 by havoc havoc
Please don't let this turn into "Tomkh's semi-coherent rambling" vs "people fueling the fire". I legit thought there was good discussion to be had here.
added on the 2015-04-17 18:52:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
if this thread does one thing to me, it is generating strong urge to next time pack my PA, hard liqour, actual porno (not that softcore bolloks but FETTFOTZEN TEIL 3) and then party like its 1988. it's about time, sissies.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:00:15 by groepaz groepaz
TEIL 4 is better!
added on the 2015-04-17 19:03:22 by el mal el mal
Lets not forget all the social sceners who did a donation at the infodesk to get Ghostown back to Poland instead to focus only at the social issues ;)

Girls free entrance? That was a long time ago that was fashionable. Does Some one remember Matt/Ozone he got free entrance all the time back in the days ;)

I hope gargaj didnt have an issue that I shaked his hand for this incredible new Conspiracy 64kb intro. (Will u fix my account now? ;)

Seriously on topic: I did see Alot of strong alcohol inside. But not really much sceners behaving unsocial coz of it.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:07:39 by magic magic
groepaz: yeah, yeah, you are the real man! show them (prn lol) !
added on the 2015-04-17 19:18:33 by tomkh tomkh
and you are a real sissie, and you showed!
added on the 2015-04-17 19:28:33 by groepaz groepaz
Tomkh, you are caught in your own made up stereotypes. i pity you.

onto the topic: what would the ideal state for those who feel left out be like? (and no, tomkh, you do not count. you are a sexist idiot(see! i speak up! ;)))
added on the 2015-04-17 19:29:47 by Ragnarok Ragnarok
Nice idea to split this into a new thread.
So here is the post that started it all:

I was at Revision, my first ever demoparty. Here is my feeling.

The organization was at the top, there was a bunch of masterpieces in the competitions, seminars and live acts were great.

However, I felt a bit strange concerning some things.

Almost all the people I talked to were drunk. I sometimes had the feeling that people were there more for drinking beer than for demos. It's a bit sad when you talked to somebody and some hours later he doesn't remember you because he was drunk. I personally like beer but I don't it to have fun.

Another thing, there were some people with big speakers in the hall. They played very loud music between competitions and very late in the night. Only 3 or 4 guys were dancing in front of it and I felt that it annoyed almost everybody in the hall (it was really loud and sometimes commercial music that has nothing to do with the demoscene). It's a real unrespectful attitude to other sceners, letting them no chance to listen to something else than their music. I thought that demoscene was about respect too (and if I understood well, the guys are well known on the scene as they are organizers of Evoke).

I had a good time at Revision but I was a bit disappointed by some attitude (alcohol and loud music). Maybe I'll give another try in another party, hoping to find more passion for demo, sober talking (with real fun) and respect. Hoping that this kind of party exists :)
added on the 2015-04-17 19:34:01 by numtek numtek
Maybe Assembly model is not so bad idea
Ah. Now I know you're just a troll. Welcome!
added on the 2015-04-17 19:36:54 by numtek numtek
groepaz,Ragnarok: please, continue, I got insulted many times over this thread. It's good to speak up, don't hide your real feelings folks;)
added on the 2015-04-17 19:38:07 by tomkh tomkh
A demoparty is like the mens shower room after an intense soccer match. It's pent up emotion, happyness, crazy ideas, celebration, people pissing on each other in the shower. And blonde jokes. People drink beer, some to excess, and others want stay sober and analyze the game and talk tactics. It's crazy and emotional, and a release of the masculinity we have to repress during our daily lives.

We can talk about sexism, PC and CoCs all day long, but I don't think we can stop men from occasionally being men.

Let's embrace our differences, and women too, and enjoy the crazy celebration a demoparty is. And let's do our best to cut each other some slack and be happy for each other.

Thus endeth the hippie message of the day.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:40:34 by revival revival
numtek: I was teasing those fabulous gentleman like Maali, groepaz, Ragnarok - is it trolling? maybe, but at least we know what they actually think.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:41:54 by tomkh tomkh
I am new to demoscene (and pouet.net), but I can't say I like how some people act in this thread/discussion. It comes over like they want to suppress a discussion which might go against their own preferences. Getting personal is never a good sign of a rational discussion. This should be about arguments

Or maybe I am just to new to understand what is really going on.

Just my two noob cents.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:44:59 by JTZ JTZ
@tomkh: I already know what they think. Welll that is an assumption ofcourse but in general we all share the same scene-vibe, atmosphere and associated thought-patterns.
For example, Maali and and me differ on a lot of (political) opinions, but I think concerning the demoscene we're pretty much aligned.

No one wants to be puked on. No one wants too lose their sleep because of drunken idiots. Everyone wants a friendly envireoment, one where man and women are treated with proper respect. This is common sense.
added on the 2015-04-17 19:48:39 by numtek numtek
JTZ: Pouet bbs is a breading ground for trollers and flamers. It makes and breaks.. New sceners (and everybody else) should not take iT to seriously..;)
There are no rules, people can write what they want , how they want..
added on the 2015-04-17 19:48:52 by magic magic


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