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Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
@magic: it actually said: "No hard alcohol inside the main hall."

Luckily, this is revision and main is in southern france (they only have rosé there anyway...;)
added on the 2015-04-16 01:52:33 by T$ T$
This is starting to remind me of assembly circa 96, where there were about 50 massive sound systems competing in the loud war. Iirc, it did take security running around with volume meters to stop it in the years after, and that was a no booze at all in the hall party.

As for old school horror stories, I raise you all Aggressive 95 in Helsinki. It was before I started drinking (I was 15), and I can't remember if other people were either. Instead there was about 150 ppl, 50 speakers, rave and eurodance everywhere, and a 48 hour porn marathon happening 2m in front of me. Seriously. They brought a huge bin bag full of video cassettes, and 8 guys and 1 very uncomfortable girlfriend were watching the whole time. I remember the only place to sleep was under the desks, so I slept next to a speaker stack and got kicked by random ppl dancing all night with the faint sound of porn behind it all. I was trying to finish a chiptune for an intro that never happened, and with huge closed headphones I still couldn't hear anything I was doing.

All completely worth it to see the world first raytracing in http://demozoo.org/productions/27407/

tl;dr - its actually much more civilized then it used to be. and ppl telling you to come to sundown if you want a more relaxed party are right.
Not to say various tables weren't playing loud stuff like usual, but I think one new contribution this year that was arguably louder than the others was the tall stack set up at the aisle on the left just in front of Knoeki, if looking toward the big screen. I either missed it on Friday or some such, but I think I recall it popping in to existence on Saturday. Kind of unnecessary, really. If you consider it was more or less in the middle of the hall, it's got a wide broadcast area. However, I happened to be in the second table from the front, so the effect probably wasn't as bad as for tables next to it. I do recall thinking "Why?" once or twice when they fired it up.

mantatronic, well ... I dunno on the porn. I think either in the first year I came, 2013, last year, or both, there were definitely a group that watched porn or something darn close. It's not like I stuck around to find out, but one of those years the group doing it was just in front of the table I was anchored at. The party rules don't say no porn, but I'd have thought decency or at least--what's the word ... shame? embarrassment? no...--self-consciousness would have kept that to something people did elsewhere. Am I going to complain that you're watching porn? Not unless I can't get any work done or it's excessively bothersome. I'll just think you're very odd for watching it in public, especially considering that there are impressionable children running around. (No, I'm not going to start a "You can't/shouldn't do X because [I] can't/don't know how to explain it to [my] kids." discussion. That's a stupid argument and plus I don't have kids nor would bring them to the demoparty, at least not until they're of a decent age and choose to go, if I ever have any.)

But again, perhaps it's a culture thing why that goes on and nobody does seems to complain too loudly. I believe I recall the year before I decided to go, 2012, there was a video that was disqualified from the competitions but shown on the big screen anyway very late afterwards. I think it was said to involve how to inseminate a pig, with visuals. Something like that. SceneSat didn't broadcast it, which was probably a good choice on their part.

If we are more civilized, it's becoming so isn't a fast process. :)

Anyway, not that I've been to other parties than Revision, there are parties that ban alcohol entirely. @party is alcohol free, but it is in the US. There are others, but I don't know to name them at the moment. Also, as said, smaller (ish) parties are easier to control because there's less people so you might find them to be quieter/more enjoyable. I doubt I'd ever be able to meet everyone that goes to Revision during the party weekend unless I offered a small gold bar to every new person who stopped by or some such ... :P

(Key fobs are not a substitute for gold bars. I was able to give them away faster as a box at the info desk labeled "FREE" than having people come find me to get one. ;)
er, just after Knoeki as facing the big screen*

I should also note that I'm not saying Knoeki was involved with that, he's just the only person in the vicinity I remember to be able to use as a reference point. :)
Breakpoint 2010 had competing sound systems, porn on the walls, all-night loud music, and waking up to Gutten Morgen Sonnenschein. As it was my first party, that was the scene I fell in love with. I don't think half of this is as big a deal as it's being made out to be. This Revision I slept below my desk right across from Toby's speaker stack, and with enough booze and determination I barely noticed it at all. It wasn't switched on half the time and when it was it certainly wasn't used to its full ear-shattering potential. I had more issues with my broken body waking me up every half hour from lying on the hard-ass ground with only a few inches of plastic to protect it. I'm getting old, lads.

Then again I tend to hang on at the party end of the demoparty scale. I tend to make sure I don't have anything to finish at the party place so I can focus on talking to people and stuffing myself with beer until it runs out of my pores.

I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time with drunk people; I certainly hope I haven't done that to you. Though I do tend to forget people's handles and ask for them over and over (where's my Zeach at?), it's certainly not meant to be offensive. The first demoparty is always a little awkward in the social department since you don't really know anyone. I spent the aforementioned Breakpoint 2010 just hanging around with my own friends. But the more you come, and in my experience, the more you talk to people you don't know (even if I'm drunk as hell) the more you get to know people and make new friends that make the party more than demos and booze.

I'm not sure how I feel about the condescending "So you need booze to have a good time?" mom remarks; of course we don't, but it sure fucking helps. Drinking alcohol as a social lubricant has been around for thousands of years, lets not suddenly pretend that it has no place in society. I think there's a deeper rooted issue against alcohol at play here, beyond just "drunk people don't remember my name" and I don't think it's an issue that has much to do with the scene.

And like others said, try different parties. Outline's coming up, and while I certainly will be drinking myself to an early grave there as well, the overall party experience is much more docile. I've seen D-Fox and Madame waltzing away while kids played with chaulk around their feet. If you're looking for passionate sceners you could do a lot worse than Outline.

All in all, I'd say don't be scared off. The scene is a mixed bag and there's something to enjoy for everyone. Find your stride, people you like, and all will certainly be well.
Ugh! My post has so many grammar errors ...

by Starchaser:
[...]there were definitely a group that watched[...]

by Starchaser:
If we are more civilized, it's becoming so isn't a fast process. :)
it isn't a fast process*


On the gold bars ... well, asking Shapeways to take my existing Revision fob model and make it from gold would be just over $1k, but you can get it for < $20 gold plated. Perhaps close enough? :P
It wasn't switched on half the time and when it was it certainly wasn't used to its full ear-shattering potential.
Yeah, it wasn't on that often. My comment on '"Why?"' was more "Do we really need another source of music?"

I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time with drunk people; I certainly hope I haven't done that to you. Though I do tend to forget people's handles and ask for them over and over (where's my Zeach at?), it's certainly not meant to be offensive. The first demoparty is always a little awkward in the social department since you don't really know anyone. I spent the aforementioned Breakpoint 2010 just hanging around with my own friends.
heh, exactly! This year I went "Who?" 'You know this guy!' "Who?" 'Dude, you know them.' it was just loud enough and they were just far enough away that in the hall at times, their name was just totally obliterated. I finally gave up and went "Ok, sure!" :)

Also my first year someone at my table who was non-arguably quite drunk, dragged me off to go meet truck because he felt otherwise I'd still be sitting on my ass in front of my laptop. Nevermind that I was trying to meet people and hand out key fobs, sometimes wandering around while doing so. Would things be different if he hadn't done that? I dunno. Anyway! It does help to meet people, anyone, who you can at least try to go find again next year.

Plus if you wanted non-drunk people, I was one such person. Heck I was even trying to find people to get together and play a board game once during the event. Turns out DUB kinda beat me to the idea this year, heck, even with their own game. :) Props! It never ended up happening ... perhaps another year.

I'm not sure how I feel about the condescending "So you need booze to have a good time?" mom remarks; of course we don't, but it sure fucking helps.
Others would probably just say that every party has its own atmosphere, if you removed booze from Revision people would find a way anyway (Boozembly, anyone?) as they do now out in the parking lot for hard alcohol ... but it would definitely change the atmosphere at the party and feeling. Perhaps even destroy the party itself. Nobody wants that I hope.
@starchaser don't worry about your grammar :)

But yeah there should be a place for everything. Perhaps try to organize a quiet table or at least let new people who are coming know where you and nectarine are sitting. That way if they are more conference less party they will have people who they will get on with to sit next to at their first party.

Also sleeping under a table didn't stop me coming back, hope ppl partying doesn't stop cutter.
I hope sleeping under a table isn't a scener rite of passage. I'm quite okay with doing the hotel option every year! :D

Yeah, we tried to organize a group/table idea over on Nectarine ... I've started a thread every year since I first went. I no longer can claim to be "a poor sap" though. People are definitely welcome to join Nectarine and indicate they'd like to be with us. I think we'd be happy to try and make sure there's table space and such. Otherwise if you show up on Friday just walk down the aisle until you find the papers that say "Nectarines gather here!" or whatever someone bothers to print on them that year. and if you see one that says "Fuck off!" just ignore it. arab thought I was being too nice so I lent him a marker to fix it the one that was at the spot he grabbed. :)

Plus, free goodies, usually. Every year so far I've had something to give away. Either key fobs, food, or both ... not a bad deal. It's not booze!

I don't have any laser cut ideas for next year yet, but perhaps someone will directly or indirectly give me an idea. It's hard to get stuff going when I know the theme too late. I could have had rocket-shaped things this year! buuut oh well. Plus if I make more ScenePoint tokens it'll likely devalue the points people have already collected. ;)
we work* ("tried" would imply we failed; so far 2013-2015, success! Just no full-group picture this year.)
I didn't mind the drunk people... Actually I didn't think there were that many of them, and most of the Amiga sceners didn't look'n feel totally wasted anyhow - few exceptions allowed /wink britelite - got worried for those 120hz monitors at one stage hehe...

I didn't mind blaring music either, perhaps because I didn't sleep at the party + perhaps I had to whip bonefish to do partycoding - tho, if you plan to sleep at the party, then plan with being disturbed, it is >party< after all...

However what I really did mind were people watching stupid funny videos on youtube during the compos with brightness set to 120% - really fkin annoying... I was tempted to get physical at one stage...
added on the 2015-04-16 09:33:34 by Psycho Psycho
Just make a big flag, people will notice that.
However what I really did mind were people watching stupid funny videos on youtube during the compos with brightness set to 120% - really fkin annoying... I was tempted to get physical at one stage...

I've watched the compos from the middle rows, and haven't noticed such thing. Focus on the big screen, easy like that. Also you can ask polite first, before getting physical.

And against loudness there are free earplugs available at the infodesk (at almost every party), in case someone hasn't noticed yet.
added on the 2015-04-16 09:49:26 by teo teo
...before getting physical.

It was just an expression to illustrate my annoyance :) Don't take everything I say as a hard fact...
added on the 2015-04-16 09:52:20 by Psycho Psycho
you can still watch in front of the big screen if you don't mind cramped legs :D
added on the 2015-04-16 09:55:39 by teo teo
which breakpoint was it with the dude who brought a dunno.. ~40"+ screen. sat first row after the hall entrance and was playing porn involving farm animals? i'm sure that's illegal in some countries. that was highly unnecessary! so yeah, things can be much worse. wasnt me btw, i'm not that much into chickens, i prefer horses :P
added on the 2015-04-16 11:00:37 by el mal el mal
oh and that ronny, lugoober and hoffman gig was so loud i couldn't even hear my own beer!
added on the 2015-04-16 11:07:15 by el mal el mal
Yeah that damn evoke orgas with their lout PA!
Damn them, damn them!


Sorry, I had to do this.

For the main topic. We had this in the last year as well... I think blueberry was complaining that he can't code because some people 3 rows in front of him have too loud music.

To my mind: there is an easy solution.
Get a seat at the left front corner.
The "loud" people are always since revision exists at the same place.
Cologne is situated in the crossing of the main way and the side emergency exit. And ATW is on the first "not anymore small table for laptops" row.

If you manage to take place more in the front. You are good.
And hey, then you are even more away from the second stage which is mentioned as loud AND near to the bigscreen without too much screens between you and the screen.

Win, Win :-D

Sorry again:
But - I would recommend watching the stream, if you don't like the party part from "demoparty" and only want demos.
or maybe goto nvScene, which is more a congress than a party to my mind.

So far from my opinion...

added on the 2015-04-16 11:08:25 by FeN FeN
As for old school horror stories, I raise you all Aggressive 95 in Helsinki. It was before I started drinking (I was 15), and I can't remember if other people were either. Instead there was about 150 ppl, 50 speakers, rave and eurodance everywhere, and a 48 hour porn marathon happening 2m in front of me. Seriously. They brought a huge bin bag full of video cassettes, and 8 guys and 1 very uncomfortable girlfriend were watching the whole time. I remember the only place to sleep was under the desks, so I slept next to a speaker stack and got kicked by random ppl dancing all night with the faint sound of porn behind it all. I was trying to finish a chiptune for an intro that never happened, and with huge closed headphones I still couldn't hear anything I was doing.

Hahaha, thanks for this, this shit takes me back! I remember a The Party where people in front of my buddies table where watching weird German animal porn CONSTANTLY up to the point of us making fun of them super loudly. They literally paid entrance to a demoparty solely to watch porn.. wtf :)

That same The Party (I guess it was 1997) also had a super misguided official rave *in* the sleeping area from like 2 AM to 6 AM so we didn't even get to sleep at all the first night.

Demoparties are really goddamn civilized in this day and age, because we are all really fucking old right now. :D
added on the 2015-04-16 11:57:47 by okkie okkie
"right now"
added on the 2015-04-16 12:00:49 by D.Fox D.Fox
I remember a The Party where people in front of my buddies table where watching weird German animal porn CONSTANTLY up to the point of us making fun of them super loudly.

I think all of us who attended The Party remember that :D
added on the 2015-04-16 12:12:40 by rez rez
perhaps it was the same guy!
added on the 2015-04-16 12:31:27 by el mal el mal
It probably was :D

I also remember convincing the party security that Grolsch was "dutch cola" as you weren't allowed to drink in the main hall. And was it Probe/TBL who brought in vodka in a shampoo bottle? He got away with it too! "Don't mind me chugging on this bottle of Head & Shoulders, sallgood!"
added on the 2015-04-16 13:09:51 by okkie okkie
by Starchaser


Sorry to say, but:
Demoparty! Love it or leave it!

Or watch teh unholy stream instead, if you have problems with the usual demoparty style.

Besides you can always ... like ... talk to the people?
I had some guys setting up oldskool hardware in front of me in a way my view to the bigscreen was blocked. Talked to them. Everything fine. No problem.

It's called social skills. ;)
added on the 2015-04-16 14:03:37 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
It's called social skills. ;)

I am a nerd, I only have other skills. :)
added on the 2015-04-16 14:12:46 by JTZ JTZ


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