scene graphics stolen (or just lame reuse)?
category: general [glöplog]
some shady hardware re-seller is abusing peoples trust
Doesn't sound worse than the warez scene to me.
If only there was some sort of legislation to protect from this kind of stuff...

Quote:some shady hardware re-seller is abusing peoples trust
Doesn't sound worse than the warez scene to me.
The warez groups themselves do not release viruses and shitware with their releases. Idiots further down the chain would do that.
It would be reputation suicide if a group pre'd releases with viruses intentionally in them.
What bothers me is that some shady hardware re-seller is abusing peoples trust by impersonating razor1911 to sell more computers
I chuckled a little. No offense guys but...
to sell more computers
To sell computers with free software! Since 1984!
Using screenshots as album art I don't really mind, to be honest.
On Soundcloud I mean.
Yeah, it didn't felt like "stolen" when i saw it - it even says "Debris". Wanted to share anyway ;)
giving credit should be obligatory nevertheless
All my Soundcloud "album art" is from somewhere else than from my hands.