Evoke 2015 - 31 July - 2 August - Köln-Kalk
category: parties [glöplog]
We are happy to announce the date for next years edition of evoke. The party will take place from July 31 until August 2 the weekend before gamescom and GDC europe.
See you all in Cologne next summer <3
See you all in Cologne next summer <3
Hey, evoke attains full age (aka 18th birthday). :) We should make bring some cake. (although it's a lie)
Count me in \o/
So Bünzli is 14-16 August then? \o/
there is no better thing then a demoparty in my backyard!
See you then duders!
i'll wait till the next unreadable logo appears before i'll shout!
Evoke is jarig? \o/
Hmm, did anyone else notice this is the same date as Assembly 2015? :(
Yes. Evoke it is!
No combined ticket this year =(
considering how easy it is for me to get there, I may have to drop by again.
Yes, you totally have to! \o/
weee liiiiike toooo partyyy!!! :D
Evoke is on!
Knoeki on the party train! Booze and party while on the way to Evoke, wouldn't trade it for the world.
Meine Deutsche Freunde!

haha, super!
now i expect to see many upgraded keyboards @ evoke ;D
Important service announcement: With the help of a fellow anonymous scener (hey Verschdl!) we regained op and control in #evoke/IRCnet.
So come and join us (this goes especially for Evoke staff members so they can answer party related questions ;)!
So come and join us (this goes especially for Evoke staff members so they can answer party related questions ;)!
Köln Kalk Verbot!