It's a geeks life - episode 7
category: general [glöplog]
Damn flare!
Finishing with the 3 Arte's now :)
Finishing with the 3 Arte's now :)
Tribute to the effect, to the Amiga chip or the demo from Surprise productions???
Ok,. it's copper not cooper as it says (My friends always made fun of me when we played RPGs, when I pronounced the copper as cooper pieces :)
eat Elite tost to be 1337 =)
Where is my toothpaste?
Our big tribute to pixel,.. and the most famous (dead anymore) greek computer magazine too =)
Do you remember that little cute 64kb intro who told me the first time that it's 20th century man? ;)
One more, but it's hardly recognised unfortunatelly :(
I forgot the group!!!
This is not that much relevant with the scene. I only remembered the demo dischotheque by Deus ex Machina. There was a dischotheque called Stratos there. It's a greek name actually. Perhaps the DXM members travelled to Greece and went to a dischoteque called like this which they liked??? Who knows where the name from this cool intro comes from...
Hey, someone tell her to come over our cool place here in pouet! I have seen her only in Ojuice but why not in our big Pouet community :)
I will give her some of my glop collection to not be that back in that ;)
A C64 cracking group or something.. hmm not looking good..
Another nice little demo, or another nice cute girl scener =)
finishing with 2 Russian demoparties too...
Damn x86 real mode!!!
That was very funny when I first noticed it! Well,.. that logo prooves somehow (in my fantasy) that this sect called Nextempire has influence over our little cute city Thessaloniki too. Grrr.... 73ar da nextempire! =)
Hey! Was there an Oric Atmos fun club in my hometown and didn't noticed that? I should be ashamed about! ;P
Damn! The Red Hat Linux distribution headquarters!
I think Thessaloniki is the city of the geeks, don't ya? =)
End of transmission...