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NVScene 2015

category: parties [glöplog]
added on the 2015-03-17 05:06:01 by blackpawn blackpawn
Nvidia keynote now http://www.ustream.tv/channel/gpu-technology-conference-2015 before the demoparty starts :) Scenesat will stream the demoparty in 5 hours not sure if video or only audio
ustream image shows weird arficacts that look suspicously like interlace flicker. don't know how you grab the image, i'd appreciate a fix though, because it's hard to read small text that way. thanks for streaming! have fun at the party! *sofascene*
added on the 2015-03-17 21:33:54 by jco jco
Video stream doesn't work very well here either. Fortunately I'm listening scenesat so, no video but at least I got something. Thanks! :D
added on the 2015-03-17 22:19:19 by ham ham
the 1080 stream hiccups every 1.5 second, the 240 seems stable, but it's like watching pr0n on amiga in 1996. 720 plz? :P
added on the 2015-03-17 22:20:06 by el mal el mal
Is there any chance to get a 720p stream. Stuttering 1080p or noisy 240p is both not satisfying. Thanks and have fun in the US.
added on the 2015-03-17 22:22:20 by Dino Dino
yay gonna watch stream the days i got time, also +1 for 720 stream please :)
yay. thanks :)
added on the 2015-03-17 22:27:04 by el mal el mal
720p stream now active. Check then report :)
added on the 2015-03-17 22:30:18 by gloom gloom
yeah, seems much better thusfar :)
added on the 2015-03-17 22:31:43 by el mal el mal
awesome day one! so great to see everyone and meet new people. sceners are the most interesting and creative people.
added on the 2015-03-18 07:28:45 by blackpawn blackpawn
Damn, i completely missed it all, correct? You even had a live-stream!
Or am i wrong and the democompo still has to happen? Please tell me so! ;)
Otherwise i wasted the night coding for Revision, as everyday, while i could have sofattended NVScene2k15 :/
Anyway: Hope you all have fun over there and hope to see you all at Revision then! :)
Iirc UStream saves all Streams somewhere!?! Any link to that, if so?
@hArDy: the Compos are in 2-3 days
Oh, nice, thanks!
Got confuzed by this @nv.nvscene.org:
Tuesday, March 17th

4:00 PMYour local time (GMT+1): 0:00
yeah 4k and pc demo are tomorrow (thurs)

full schedule here: http://nv.scene.org/2015/schedule/

unless there has been a change the offline vids should appear here sometime http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nvscene-2015 (change the url to see last years)
added on the 2015-03-18 09:17:36 by Canopy Canopy
Hehe, gotta rewatch 2008 now then, had the major fuckup with sound when my intro got shown!
"Wait a sec!" * 3
Thanx for the info! :)

PS: 2008, now, then (as read above!) -> Next NVScene will have ME! :p So don´t stop your actions again, no matter what happens this year! ;)
No 2008 on UStream, neither by changing the URL nor by Searching for it!

But i refound the whole competition on demoscene.tv here:
NVScene 2008 Intro Competition
I'm satisfied so far. Interesting talks. 720p stream. Time zone converted schedule. Some minor sound issues, but i guess these are fixed by now =)
added on the 2015-03-18 10:39:55 by HellMood HellMood
No 2008 on UStream, neither by changing the URL nor by Searching for it!

But i refound the whole competition on demoscene.tv here:
NVScene 2008 Intro Competition

I know the Seminars from 2008 are on the Mindcandy 3 Blu-Ray not sure about the rest?
added on the 2015-03-18 11:09:36 by Canopy Canopy
I wonder who pays for demoscene.tv-servers anyway! They went "bankrupt" around 2009 or sth and still everything is alive while few ppl use it at all, because there´s no hint to it at all, except some few links in the prods-pages here on pouet! :/
It was/is a superb page with good functionality! Outdated ofcourse, because there´s no money to maintain it...but i really hope it won´t vanish before someone maintains it on his/her own! ;)
Atleast the complete data of it needs some copies here and there! COMPLETE DATA! ;)
yeah satisfied with the stream aswell and hyped for the compos :), trying to watch as much as i have time to sofascene, and cya guys afk at Revision :)
the stream is a little bit flakey, but it could be bandwidth issues nearer to me.
added on the 2015-03-18 21:58:42 by bloodnok bloodnok
Hmmm, same here, had to switch to 240p sometimes. Currently it's fine again @720p.
added on the 2015-03-18 22:02:20 by HellMood HellMood


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