Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]

@spike: it's a slightly modified version of Edit Undo :)
I added proper square for the "loading" bars and fixed the kerning of "1" to avoid jitter when values are changing fast.
I added proper square for the "loading" bars and fixed the kerning of "1" to avoid jitter when values are changing fast.
cool, thanks!
Part of a program guide I'm doing for 2dcon

working on a remix
When I see what you guys people can do… I feel desperate :D I hope I’ll have enough time to finish my production for Revision15…

Keep guessing boys.

This thread is a painful reminder that I need to start coding a fucking demo

Let there be light!

that brings back memories =)
that brings back memories =)
Test Drive 3.5 Amiga edition?

178 Bytes, MsDos, XGA, interactive (mouse)
actually the blueprint for this
But now it needs to be finished for DOS ;)


Obligatory pointless vague wip-shot.
(be sure to catch the Wild compo at Revision ^^)
Pixels biger than your car!
But not bigger than your mom... ;)
Pixels biger than your car!
Well, the effective resolution is 320*180.
Screenshot is upscaled to 1920*1080 because I took it in fullscreen mode (:
Texels biger than your car!

For educational use only.