Live Coding Compo Framework
category: code [glöplog]
That depends on the theme pool, honestly, and I'm not sure if I like the idea. I'd advise against picking too specific themes. With a handdrawing competition, I can safely assume that everyone knows how "bicycle" or "rabbit" or "boat" looks like and can make a reasonable attempt to draw them.
Remembering how to code a certain thing, heavily depends on knowing how a certain effect is coded or not. If the theme is "Mandelbulb" but you don't happen to know the formula (entirely possible), you're pretty much screwed. Moreso, if the theme is too off-the-wall (see above "rabbit" or "car") it also forces you to spend most of the time "trying to draw". It also makes the output from both screens to be pretty predictable and potentially samey.
Honestly I don't think "memorizing whole shaders" is an issue - if you can do it, more power to you, but it still doesn't guarantee anything. Look at last year: Xtrium had a pretty good idea on what he wanted to do but balked under pressure. Conversely, Skomp and Musk said they mostly just improvised.
Remembering how to code a certain thing, heavily depends on knowing how a certain effect is coded or not. If the theme is "Mandelbulb" but you don't happen to know the formula (entirely possible), you're pretty much screwed. Moreso, if the theme is too off-the-wall (see above "rabbit" or "car") it also forces you to spend most of the time "trying to draw". It also makes the output from both screens to be pretty predictable and potentially samey.
Honestly I don't think "memorizing whole shaders" is an issue - if you can do it, more power to you, but it still doesn't guarantee anything. Look at last year: Xtrium had a pretty good idea on what he wanted to do but balked under pressure. Conversely, Skomp and Musk said they mostly just improvised.
Random Word Generator:
bus, laxative, chameleon
umm.. no.
bus, laxative, chameleon
umm.. no.
The thing is, if I look at similar competitions (figure skating, beatbox or DJ battles, etc.) there's always a level of preparation that usually goes in it, but 1) you're never guaranteed to execute flawlessly on the spot (memorizing a whole shader isn't as easy as it sounds) and 2) it's never guaranteed that whatever you prepared is as good as whatever the opponent prepared.
And don't underestimate the crowdvoting who might favor the person dancing around on the stage after finishing a very basic crappy effect ;)
1) code raving tomato in 5 mins
2) give out free beer to the audience until end of round
3) ???
4) profit
2) give out free beer to the audience until end of round
3) ???
4) profit
I found some more caps for you, dfox:

Oh look, limitless oportunities for silent crashes...
can I fix this with throw / catch ?
you get simpler code and meaningful error messages...
Maybe in the readme file you should put that a recoding device is required. Bonzo uses the recoding stream for FFT. Otherwise Bonzo will silently crash and you need to download the sources to figure out the problem.
if (!Renderer::Open( &settings ))
return -1;
if (!FFT::Open())
return -1;
if (!MIDI::Open())
return -1;
can I fix this with throw / catch ?
you get simpler code and meaningful error messages...
Renderer::Open( &settings );
catch ( const char* simplemessage )
//cross platform implementation
//for windows a message box is displayed,
//for the rest I don't care
Maybe in the readme file you should put that a recoding device is required. Bonzo uses the recoding stream for FFT. Otherwise Bonzo will silently crash and you need to download the sources to figure out the problem.
I think a try/catch would be the worst solution there :D But yea there probably should be some more error handling.
Doesn´t BASS have its own ErrorMessageHandler? I think to remember so, just use it!?? ;)
About the Compo itself:
Gimme the same setup as last year
+own keyboard
+keyboard language setting
+make it 30 mins
and i am completely fine! ;)
Oh, where to apply btw? I think i unmistakably said i WILL BE IN this year (last year after the compo round 1 ended and also here on the BBS somewhere!)
So, put me on the contestants-list already! :)
...will provide coder-colored eyecandy at 1000% of sureness! ;)
About the Compo itself:
Gimme the same setup as last year
+own keyboard
+keyboard language setting
+make it 30 mins
and i am completely fine! ;)
Oh, where to apply btw? I think i unmistakably said i WILL BE IN this year (last year after the compo round 1 ended and also here on the BBS somewhere!)
So, put me on the contestants-list already! :)
...will provide coder-colored eyecandy at 1000% of sureness! ;)
Oh, where to apply btw?
i ran out of caps, noooo!
Oh look, limitless oportunities for silent crashes...
Funnily enough, I can't even launch it, always getting return value -1.
I'm in the mood for a bit of debugging :')
Bonzomatic crashes silently here, after the dialog (no matter what resolution, if fullscreen or vsynced) at the moment it wants to create a window.
I just reinstalled windows 7 ultimate 64bit, did all updates, installed catalyst-driver and june2010-dx9-sdk. installed chrome, but everything else is untouched and brand-new so to say!
(fuckings to the hacker trying to destroy my life btw...your last effort of making visual studio 2013 unusable was quite a stunt, you cunt! Stop it already, or you´ll get a murderer because i´ll end my life because of your stupid and childish actions! If i cant compute my life is senseless! FUCK YOU!)
Tried to run "as admininstrator" aswell, altho i am the only user and the admin of this sys anyway!
Any idea what could be going wrong or what i could be missing (install-wise) ?
I´d really like to check this out before i am sitting on stage and the 25mins start! ;)
I just reinstalled windows 7 ultimate 64bit, did all updates, installed catalyst-driver and june2010-dx9-sdk. installed chrome, but everything else is untouched and brand-new so to say!
(fuckings to the hacker trying to destroy my life btw...your last effort of making visual studio 2013 unusable was quite a stunt, you cunt! Stop it already, or you´ll get a murderer because i´ll end my life because of your stupid and childish actions! If i cant compute my life is senseless! FUCK YOU!)
Tried to run "as admininstrator" aswell, altho i am the only user and the admin of this sys anyway!
Any idea what could be going wrong or what i could be missing (install-wise) ?
I´d really like to check this out before i am sitting on stage and the 25mins start! ;)
Which rendering backend were you trying?
Tried all three of em, altho i don´t have any SDL installed.
I would be ok if the dx9-version would work, i guess i won´t use any dx11-stuff anyway.
While dx11 would be native for win7-64bit...i would be ok if this would work aswell.
But all three versions simply shut down without any hint of to why.
DX9 atleast works, as i just succesfully built, started and watched my newest intro from within visual studio 2013.
I would be ok if the dx9-version would work, i guess i won´t use any dx11-stuff anyway.
While dx11 would be native for win7-64bit...i would be ok if this would work aswell.
But all three versions simply shut down without any hint of to why.
DX9 atleast works, as i just succesfully built, started and watched my newest intro from within visual studio 2013.
I think this problem is once gain because of multiple-monitor-setup.
This time the catalyst surprised me by using both my monitors and my TV at the same time with 3 different screens, so no clones. This never worked before, no matter what i tried. I guess the new GPU is even more superb than thought! ;)
I will try with one monitor now and report back afterwards. (hopefully the 3screen-setup still works afterwards!)
This time the catalyst surprised me by using both my monitors and my TV at the same time with 3 different screens, so no clones. This never worked before, no matter what i tried. I guess the new GPU is even more superb than thought! ;)
I will try with one monitor now and report back afterwards. (hopefully the 3screen-setup still works afterwards!)
Hmm, the idea was maybe good, but wrong. Still crashes at establishing a window. Where the SDL-Version visually shows a window for a quarter-second, the others close way faster, no time to see if there is a window yet or not.
I have Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes installed, both 32 and 64 bit, version-number is 10.0.30319
I am out of ideas for now and wont find time to debug it, still way too much work left for revision-releases! :/
If you have no further ideas aswell, maybe we can have a short look into it at revision itself? I will bring my PC anyway and i´ll be there when doors open, so atleast i would have some minutes left for that! ;)
I have Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes installed, both 32 and 64 bit, version-number is 10.0.30319
I am out of ideas for now and wont find time to debug it, still way too much work left for revision-releases! :/
If you have no further ideas aswell, maybe we can have a short look into it at revision itself? I will bring my PC anyway and i´ll be there when doors open, so atleast i would have some minutes left for that! ;)
Can you find me on IRC?
Well, i stopped IRCing...for known reasons, i cannot behave! ;)
Also it was very time-consuming! :/
But maybe i find some time to contact you there via some web-based irc-client...will try to do so asap, if! ;)
I could also install TeamViewer if you have that and you think it could help!
Also it was very time-consuming! :/
But maybe i find some time to contact you there via some web-based irc-client...will try to do so asap, if! ;)
I could also install TeamViewer if you have that and you think it could help!
Funnily enough, I can't even launch it, always getting return value -1.
I'm in the mood for a bit of debugging :')
Seems Xtrium had the same issue, maybe he really investigated a bit already?! So if you see him on IRC, ask him plz!
Yes but Xtrium also stopped IRCing apparently.
FFS don't leave me hanging, it's probably a oneline fix and I wouldn't like to take my chances.
FFS don't leave me hanging, it's probably a oneline fix and I wouldn't like to take my chances.
FFS don't leave me hanging, it's probably a oneline fix
It was about the FFT indeed, haha! :D
So i went to the IRC and Gargaj dropped some Debug-Build on me, he then fastly figured it was because my system was missing a recording basically what mu6k said some posts ago. (FFT needs a recording device to work)
I simply forgot to install my (realtek) i had sound already! ;)
But after installing it and rebooting my system i still had no recording device...fixed that by simply mounting my usb-headset and letting win7 install its drivers...and finally with the microphone as recording device Bonzomatic runs as expected without errors!
Thanks Gargaj for the fast help and sorry again for my stupidness of forgetting about the stupid driver!
But hopefully this helps people who had/have/will_have the same problems aswell!
(If you don´t have an usb-headset, try plugging sth into your line-in or mic-jacks! ;) )
I'll upload a fixed build later tonight.
Okay so Ferris and I did a bit of ripping and tearing and is now relatively functional under both Windows, Linux and OSX - the latter two lacking stuff like the setup dialog and MIDI, but has support for FFT at least. (Linux version I can only assume it works, only tried it in a VM, the very least it compiles.) Any updates or feature expansions to those versions are very welcome as pull requests.
There's also some new code for grabbing the framebuffer data once the rendering is done - this way the tool is easily modifiable to send the image through network for parties that don't have any means to mix video signals together; instead they should only require a network connection and a 3rd PC. There'll hopefully be some more news on this end (kb and I have a pretty good plan for this) to make this feature more fire-and-forget, but right now it's just a framework.
There's also some new code for grabbing the framebuffer data once the rendering is done - this way the tool is easily modifiable to send the image through network for parties that don't have any means to mix video signals together; instead they should only require a network connection and a 3rd PC. There'll hopefully be some more news on this end (kb and I have a pretty good plan for this) to make this feature more fire-and-forget, but right now it's just a framework.