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Trying to reach Topy44 for T-shirt printing

category: general [glöplog]
I've emailed his untergrund address a while back but no reply. Geekcamp.net seems down. No contact info on the campaign site he linked a few weeks ago. There's an ICQ number from 2002, but ICQ.

If someone knows how to reach him and place an order I'd appreciate the info :)
added on the 2014-07-06 18:45:50 by Photon Photon
Try irc.
#revision on ircnet
added on the 2014-07-06 20:11:48 by numtek numtek
yeah, i believe vincent also bought a tshirt from topy and was asking me contact info.. dunno if vincent already succeeded paying, otherwise some email addy would be handy that i can forward. (i know you have one, i just dont back up emails from ages ago :P)
added on the 2014-07-06 20:49:24 by el mal el mal
Already tried his t44.org address?
Anyway, best would be to use ircnet
added on the 2014-07-07 00:11:29 by T$ T$
I pinged Topy on Skype and passed him the link to this thread.
added on the 2014-07-07 08:44:16 by kbi kbi
yeah I don't use ICQ anymore and the t44.org mailserver has been down for some time. Jenni should have given you my contact info through FB, if that doesn't work let me know here. :)
added on the 2014-07-07 08:47:30 by Topy44 Topy44
Greetings for the ossom bass hut songs.
added on the 2014-07-07 10:04:12 by Emod Emod
Sorry for the necropost, but I'd like to see if I can reach Topy44, too, for a question about Revision and strangely not about t-shirts. I also found the contact situation lacking. If Topy44 doesn't mind, my contact info can be found on my website. However this isn't important by any means in the grand scheme of things so if not, that's just fine.
I pointed him towards this thread once more.
Thank you!
He is still logged in on irc,.. . .
added on the 2015-01-28 01:12:08 by numtek numtek
True, but I missed that reading the above and presumably I'm quite a few timezones away so it would be hard to talk over IRC for lack of bouncer there to field responses if I head off before a ping is returned. Plus if I did I'd be spanned across three different networks. It's enough just sitting on two!

Anyway, contact has been made and this thread can sink back to the depths now. :)


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