Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
playing with luma information leads to some interesting results for sure. More of that to come... ;)
why so complex? would that work with a downscale and do a zigzag 8x8 on the luminance or all channels? sorta quantified levels ofc for the blockiness. atleast that's what jpeg looks like.
just thought.
just thought.
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bd.jpg)
igor: /me likes!
May I ask how is the pentagonal bokeh done? Sprite rendering?
Looks like sprites to me, or igor did a really good job hiding some typical artifacts. :)
Otherwise you can do this:
Sousa_Graphics_Gems_CryENGINE3.pdf (Slide 36)
Shadertoy implementation of that pattern by BeRo.
Otherwise you can do this:
Sousa_Graphics_Gems_CryENGINE3.pdf (Slide 36)
Shadertoy implementation of that pattern by BeRo.
I achieved some sprite multiplexing on C64 :D
![BB Image](http://people.zoy.org/~rez/c64/intro02_02.png)
![BB Image](http://people.zoy.org/~rez/c64/intro02_02.png)
zavie: yes, geoshady spawned sprites... here some shape-spam ;)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehCircle.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehHex.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehStar.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehCircle.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehHex.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.igoronimo.org/bokehStar.jpg)
@igor: do one with hearts. <3
@las: yep I heard about that technique. I have to look at the course notes. Interesting thoughts on motion blur too.
@las: yep I heard about that technique. I have to look at the course notes. Interesting thoughts on motion blur too.
that mpeg glitchfuck shit was always on my wishlist for doing a demo. so, well done!
I achieved some sprite multiplexing on C64 :D
sprite multiplexing == old school method to do instancing :D
Far fetched to say the least, but I'll take it :)
*ponders if the same could be done on first gen 3D consoles (n64) to swap textures mid-frame* :)
*ponders if the same could be done on first gen 3D consoles (n64) to swap textures mid-frame* :)
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/rqcIMlY.jpg)
YES, PLEASE!!! (Keito!)
Keito: +5 :D
Keito: Nice art style!
![BB Image](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10933794_10153038315936354_1955423985864045537_n.jpg?oh=cc2e2078838b2f4edc82164cb2ccd236&oe=5526EB5B&__gda__=1428369741_ebbfae1029eff492cbe53b8bb1f1a399)
We'll be back at KG2015.
Funny, frostbite 3 can handle amd and nvidia no matter what. Kinda funny if your demo is based only nvidia or amd based. Funny? Yes it is.
It's called a configuration dialog, jackass.
keito: I can't figure out what that is exactly, but anything related to UK Allstars gets me some #hype (pls come back)
noby: it's a london underground tube sign :)
![BB Image](http://cdn.blackenterprise.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2012/10/public-enemy-2013-rock-n-roll-nominee-black-enterprise.jpeg)
Keito : is this real time ?
Keito : is this real time ?
Looks too good a match for this to be real-time