Demo scene 2.0 reboot
category: general [glöplog]
Last I heard TBL was orbiting the sun.
I have no comment on the rest but these kind of corny and cool nicks and groupnames need a revival!
Now where's Big Fat Lamer/BS1? :)
The Bits Lounge.
Make prods on platform that NEVER had any demos
Sure, because nothing will save the scene better than using a platform that five people have heard of and one person has a working example of, causing the remainder of the scene to watch it on YouTube.
(Don't get me wrong, I admire "virgin platform" demos, they're just not the savior of the demoscene)
jesus on e's is our savior!
Without enough time between parties and without proper restrictions, there will be just more fastmade demos with fake (animated) effects and no true art of code. This is even more important because today's people unlearned to tell code from fakes, so they judge fakes by visual standards or code (not by visual standards of animation!).
damn! I spent 6 months to be able to draw and animate dots on C64 and you mean I wasted my free time? :(
better spend 6 months on playing fullHD video on your C64!
This thread lacks the obvious

damn! I spent 6 months to be able to draw and animate dots on C64 and you mean I wasted my free time? :(
Unless it's at least 4101 dots, yes. :-P
the problem with artifically limiting prods is, that the limit usually comes naturally from whats popular, and not from a few people trying to be smartasses.
Good idea, but amount of different categories suggested is just insane.
We should have only three categories:
1) Demos with less than 4100 dots
2) Demos with more than 4100 dots
3) Demos with exactly 4100 dots
if anyone dares to make a demo with exactly 4100 dots he/she will be
We should have only three categories:
1) Demos with less than 4100 dots
2) Demos with more than 4100 dots
3) Demos with exactly 4100 dots
if anyone dares to make a demo with exactly 4100 dots he/she will be
just ignore the last line. I first thought about not allowing 4100 dots, but that wouldn't have been fair towards Dragonslayer of Mega Elites.
But, you know, 4096 dots is enough!
I prefer the "7800 Phong Polys" category.
I'm trying to figure out whether bstrr is a genius troll or just a Dane. He actually got someone like Gargaj to write real comments in this thread.
Btw, where is doom^IRIS when you need him?
Btw, where is doom^IRIS when you need him?
he's playing with his procedural boobies
Skrebbel, I'm a dane at least. My posts wasn't meant as trolling, although I inadvertently derailed the thread - pouet-style. I guess that was to be expected.
I also kind of got what I wanted - an explanation on why people (Gargaj mainly) thought the ideas were all shitty, the lack of which caused me to react in the first place. A simpler way might have been just asking "Why?", but that sort of acting all sensible does not belong on the internet.
I also kind of got what I wanted - an explanation on why people (Gargaj mainly) thought the ideas were all shitty, the lack of which caused me to react in the first place. A simpler way might have been just asking "Why?", but that sort of acting all sensible does not belong on the internet.
thumb up for las and gargaj's comments in this weird ass thread. :)
srsly, making the demoscene the creative computing equivalent of north korea (isolationist, delusions of grandeur while stricken with abject poverty) by cutting it off even more from the rest of the world with more and more artificially imposed limitations isn't the way to go.
the demoscene was at its greatest back when it intersected more heavily with the "mainstream" (the creative computing mainstream, not the miley cyrus mainstream) - trying to improve it by aiming in the opposite direction confuses me.
also this:
yep, that
srsly, making the demoscene the creative computing equivalent of north korea (isolationist, delusions of grandeur while stricken with abject poverty) by cutting it off even more from the rest of the world with more and more artificially imposed limitations isn't the way to go.
the demoscene was at its greatest back when it intersected more heavily with the "mainstream" (the creative computing mainstream, not the miley cyrus mainstream) - trying to improve it by aiming in the opposite direction confuses me.
also this:
I have the feeling the amount of people going to a demo party for the getting wasted part is increasing while the amount of people actually contribution with PASSION to compos is decreasing.
yep, that
When will we all realize that the demoscene is what it's contributors make it and that 'changing things radically' or 'reaching out' will *never* have the expected result.
As someone said before in this thread, the scene means something different to anyone you ask. For one person it's making silly things on the computer with friends, for the other it's pushing new hardware to it's limits and for someone else it's hanging out with old friends getting nostalgic over the computer you had as a kid.
We will never *ever* agree what the demoscene is and that's beautiful!
I do understand Las' concern though. I've seen a lot of creative people leave the scene because they felt it focused on other things than they were interested in and they found their outlet in other creative art scenes, which is sad, but I guess also unavoidable.
As someone said before in this thread, the scene means something different to anyone you ask. For one person it's making silly things on the computer with friends, for the other it's pushing new hardware to it's limits and for someone else it's hanging out with old friends getting nostalgic over the computer you had as a kid.
We will never *ever* agree what the demoscene is and that's beautiful!
I do understand Las' concern though. I've seen a lot of creative people leave the scene because they felt it focused on other things than they were interested in and they found their outlet in other creative art scenes, which is sad, but I guess also unavoidable.
Also, since I joine Poo-brain last year I did music for 3 productions and I haven't been this active in ages. people might question the quality of our work, but I found some of my demoscene joy back working with these kids!
i'm running Scene 2.2a Beta and it's all about rasterbars again. Honest.
I have the feeling the amount of people going to a demo party for the getting wasted part is increasing while the amount of people actually contribution with PASSION to compos is decreasing.
Which is a big problem. Having people in the scene who never released anything is quite fine, having an audience is great. But if the focus is shifted from the actual prods to just partying, then things are moving in the wrong direction.
Random shouting and walking in front of the screen during compos seem to be commonplace at parties these days, which to me embodies both a lack of respect and interest in the supposed main events of a demoparty.
6- Create a unified judging system used across all demo parties to rate demos on visual, music, arts, technics, innovations and direction.
Films are not judged with N ratings on categories, because the whole experience matters.
Sure precise ratings might be useful for peers or product reviews.
Now I'm a not-contributing person, but I think a focus on emotion could bring more audience to watch demos (and make them). Technical achievements really don't have any appeal for most. Also a lot of entrenched demoscene habits like greetings, saturated whites, synced-flash-to-beat, lack of narrative, random cameras, awkward natural scenes, make most prods plain embarrassing to watch.