Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
The tatoo is a tatto. And the shirt is even more crazy. This is a guy everyone would like to meet :)
If I landed some vehicle in a comet, I would also not give a fuck the next day. Maybe appear naked.


Well. That escalated quickly.

Actually it was pretty tasteless to wear this ugly-ass shirt.
[rant] So this guy was part of the team that landed a probe on a comet - something that is a precedent in human history. And this woman (@roseveleth who tweets and writes for yet another fucking tech blog) decided she didn't like the motif of the shirt that he was wearing and had a twhinge (https://twitter.com/roseveleth/status/532538957490561024/photo/1) about it.
All the feminazis jumped on board (#shirtstorm) and bullied him online to the point that he cried and apologised for wearing the shirt in an interview about what should have been his crowning glory but instead became a vehicle for some woman's crusade against 'men in science'.
The fact that this woman could do this and then gloat over his apology makes me even more sure that as a species we aren't going to make it and our undoing will be brought about by ourselves. [/rant]
About this post, I mean.
Actually it was pretty tasteless to wear this ugly-ass shirt.
I don't disagree. But... did it really justify the bullying of him on the day that should've been one of the highlights of his career. To the point that he had to give an apology at the risk of probably losing his job?

It's funny how the Femnazis always get bullied, when they want to change things (like stories or characters in videogames), yet they do the same, when a dude wears a weird looking shirt.
They would have been better off, crying about the hilariously digusting Kim Kardashian photos. Jesus, what an ugly butt.. :D
They would have been better off, crying about the hilariously digusting Kim Kardashian photos. Jesus, what an ugly butt.. :D

whaaa, hypnotizing asian!

whaaa, hypnotizing asian!
It's funny. All I thought was "Boobs!"

Can we let w00t! back in now?

Welp, don't come crying and asking why there's so few women on the scene.

Welp, don't come crying and asking why there's so few women on the scene.
I think you suggesting that my posts in this thread (over the last couple of pages at least) is why there are less women than men getting involved in the demoscene is not just disingenuous it's grossly exaggerated.
I think it also shows that you clearly don't get the issues being discussed here about this guy, his choice in clothing and the resulting shitstorm which overshadowed a major scientific achievement and surely at least one of the pinacles of his career. All because some tw-emenist decided that the motif on the shirt he was wearing was "sexist".
Protip: In the same way that "not every guy is a rapist"

not every woman who comes in contact with the music, graphics, design and/or coding associated with the scene is going to be a SJW feminazi. JSYK.
Nice post btw sen!

looks toshopped. btw if it really happen the guy who take the picture would have taken another one.
Super fake of course. How come it can spurt out like this, when she is wearing panties? And assuming she's throwing around er legs whilst performing cheerleading, I really hope she wore panties. :D