Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

Finally! Don't know what it was posted on the previous page, but chromium did not like it.


Nice pics Pjer.

*pic unrelated and random*

*pic unrelated and random*

Just to laugh about it :)

Hehe, although it must not. Doom or Duke I think don't raycast like wolfenstein, just find visible walls and interpolate z (at least I think so) and then do the column rendering. Also the mirror should probably be portals in the build engine.
Fail. I guess I am gonna add mirror on my wolfenstein and claim I raytraced :)
Fail. I guess I am gonna add mirror on my wolfenstein and claim I raytraced :)
Yep you are right it is called raycasting. And yep Duke 3D use portals (while doom use BSP)

[rant] So this guy was part of the team that landed a probe on a comet - something that is a precedent in human history. And this woman (@roseveleth who tweets and writes for yet another fucking tech blog) decided she didn't like the motif of the shirt that he was wearing and had a twhinge (https://twitter.com/roseveleth/status/532538957490561024/photo/1) about it.
All the feminazis jumped on board (#shirtstorm) and bullied him online to the point that he cried and apologised for wearing the shirt in an interview about what should have been his crowning glory but instead became a vehicle for some woman's crusade against 'men in science'.
The fact that this woman could do this and then gloat over his apology makes me even more sure that as a species we aren't going to make it and our undoing will be brought about by ourselves. [/rant]