Sundown presents Sunspot 2014! 17th-19th October 2014 - and FREE!
category: general [glöplog]
Good evening gentlemen.
It has come about that the hall that we use for Sundown has become available for our use at short notice so we're putting on a free party for anyone who fancies coming along!
Sunspot is sort of half-way between a pubmeet weekender and a demoparty - we wont be hiring the biggest baddest setup, but we will provide a comfortable and economic getaway from the autumn blues (if such a thing exists).
We are aware that we unfortunately clash with TRSAC and we implore anyone with the finances to go to that party instead of ours - they have our Hoffman, and the Danes... well, good god they know how to party.
In fact, we will be talking to the organisers a bit more and hopefully we can provide some kind of big scale sofa scening for TRSAC, where we can all sit and wave Danish flags much like those Eurovision parties that happen in pubs all over Europe.
I'll knock together a web page tomorrow but for now there's a Faceache event page:
Maybe I can beg Tomoya to paste a URL in here later on, who knows?
Any questions and offers of equipment loans, by all means post away!
It has come about that the hall that we use for Sundown has become available for our use at short notice so we're putting on a free party for anyone who fancies coming along!
Sunspot is sort of half-way between a pubmeet weekender and a demoparty - we wont be hiring the biggest baddest setup, but we will provide a comfortable and economic getaway from the autumn blues (if such a thing exists).
We are aware that we unfortunately clash with TRSAC and we implore anyone with the finances to go to that party instead of ours - they have our Hoffman, and the Danes... well, good god they know how to party.
In fact, we will be talking to the organisers a bit more and hopefully we can provide some kind of big scale sofa scening for TRSAC, where we can all sit and wave Danish flags much like those Eurovision parties that happen in pubs all over Europe.
I'll knock together a web page tomorrow but for now there's a Faceache event page:
Maybe I can beg Tomoya to paste a URL in here later on, who knows?
Any questions and offers of equipment loans, by all means post away!
trsac shadowparty then :) party hardy
Love the website: "HOME" and "WHO'S COMING", short and to the point!
Oh, missing that hurts :.(
I LOVE THIS! .. If only I could attend, I would avoid the mandatory hangovers on saturday and sunday from being at TRSAC :)
If you are at TRSAC, you are at Sunspot too... in a way!
Bidirectional teleportation, bitches!
They started streaming at:
Cheers to ruairi for organising this, it rocked :)
Time to get started on prods for Sundown :)
Time to get started on prods for Sundown :)