Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
mORNING kORG! Oooopps!

@ringofyre why you throw that MB pics in here? that shit laggs. asshole. and waste of bandwidth. what's the value?
^ Oh dear - the ritr censors are back. Here yumeji, I hope this brightens your day.

@ringofyre it's not about your fugly cosplay bitch. :P damn. >_< the pics are to big to display. that one on the last page. what? 7MB and 18MP. show me that on your screen. that laggs to downscale. and there was a smaller on the page. just about the same. but...
let's go for it. :D this' perhaps a repost anyway. *shrugs*

let's go for it. :D this' perhaps a repost anyway. *shrugs*

Loads fine for me and I'm in Australia (notoriously slow internet speeds compared with Europe).
Maybe you should increase the size of your browsers cache - that way you don't have to dl the image each time.
The pic you are talking about (I won't waste bandwidth by quoting) had an embedded link to the artists page - something I thought some here might find interesting.

Broadband Speed Test Results
Test run on 26/09/2014 @ 10:40 AM
Mirror: iiNet
Data: 600 KB
Test Time: 3.48 secs
Your line speed is 1.4 Mbps (1404 kbps).
Your download speed is 175 KB/s (0.17 MB/s).
Maybe you should increase the size of your browsers cache - that way you don't have to dl the image each time.
The pic you are talking about (I won't waste bandwidth by quoting) had an embedded link to the artists page - something I thought some here might find interesting.

fuck the download. i have it cached already. gotta keep it warm on my drive, for sure. still getting that shit on screen and downscaling of too huge pics to pouet resolution laggs in the fox. shit laptop here. I'm not sure if the fox is getting worse too. ...who cares anyway.
more googling cool pics. you like more color? ^_^

more googling cool pics. you like more color? ^_^

I find pouet scales pretty well.

Rez is 1360x768 for both screens.

Rez is 1360x768 for both screens.
*Laptop and DTV*
And yes - 4chan, dailyfail, tpb, facebork and imgur!
And yes - 4chan, dailyfail, tpb, facebork and imgur!

FunGas: That's one helluva cludge!
apparently, the customer paid €50 for that repair...

Apologies to yumeji ;p