why is stefan a pr0nstahr and i'm not!?!? i wanna have a leet level too!!!
category: residue [glöplog]
And why is this whole thing missing from the FAQ? When did this recently happen :(
There are no leet user levels, there are only leet people. And they become leet by doing awesome stuff, not by getting some user level.
What I am asking is what happened to this line in the FAQ? I don't care about leet levels or obtaining the access... I just thought the question and answer in the FAQ about this was rather amusing.
Sure it was... but you know, FAQ is not supposed to amuse, it's there to answer questions :)
in the old days it used to do both :)
does the level still even exist?
does the level still even exist?
I hidden that item because it was mostly incorrect / outdated at this point.
And a GUS for 1000 glöps is not?
how many GUS cards do you need to become pr0nstahr?
One should be sufficient for [ur=http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2900]GUSTAR[/url]
nice GUS demo, thanks T-Star
why I am not yet "Unstoppable Godlike Fatality" :(