category: general [glöplog]
You know whats funny. both german candidates are members of a "rite", and both linked to bilderberg.
Here is what i think is the deal. These "elected" leaders go to these meetings and are told what its going to be like.
And they can participate or get left behind. Then in pure panic, because they KNOW Bilderberg, with its web like structure is rouglhy capable of enything, they go back and do thei biddings. In the belief, that it is the best for their people. We said NO to more EU here in Denmark. Some tiume later and after a MASSIVE media spin, we were asked the same question again. Only this time...we got more EU.
I have no idea where this is going, what the greater purpose ther us, if any. But i refuce to stay blind to obviously spurious connections to our governments.
I DO NOT want a world state, unless the purpose is to the mutual education and enligtening of people. Not to become tottally controled by luciferian money cartels.
Ask youself this...Last year the world bank raised the money flow by 38Billion a day. Thats odd, do these people make the money themself? Yes they do!
So in fact they are responsible for the hunger catasptrophes in the world. Our farmers are getting paid to NOT grow food. Were told it is to keep the prices at a safe level. Safe for whom?... These safe leves in fact kills millions of people.
You need to wake up.
Here is what i think is the deal. These "elected" leaders go to these meetings and are told what its going to be like.
And they can participate or get left behind. Then in pure panic, because they KNOW Bilderberg, with its web like structure is rouglhy capable of enything, they go back and do thei biddings. In the belief, that it is the best for their people. We said NO to more EU here in Denmark. Some tiume later and after a MASSIVE media spin, we were asked the same question again. Only this time...we got more EU.
I have no idea where this is going, what the greater purpose ther us, if any. But i refuce to stay blind to obviously spurious connections to our governments.
I DO NOT want a world state, unless the purpose is to the mutual education and enligtening of people. Not to become tottally controled by luciferian money cartels.
Ask youself this...Last year the world bank raised the money flow by 38Billion a day. Thats odd, do these people make the money themself? Yes they do!
So in fact they are responsible for the hunger catasptrophes in the world. Our farmers are getting paid to NOT grow food. Were told it is to keep the prices at a safe level. Safe for whom?... These safe leves in fact kills millions of people.
You need to wake up.
Personally, I'm just impressed that bill gates still makes the windows backgrounds personally. Thats commitment.
you have GOT to be kidding me. Do you have any reff to this??
the pyramid in the wallpaper is a coinsidence but what scares me is the teletubbies-like look of XP. especially the wallpaper. i fear the bunnies peek at me when i'm not looking...
/me goes back to reading the da vinci code...
/me goes back to reading the da vinci code...
i don't see a pyramid. However, i find it more striking that there's a 666 in almost every barcode(the separating double lines mean 6). Oh no ! the devil has marked everything with his number! Through filthy rich men!
To reality: Why the fuck would anyone who does something secret put stupid symbols and stuff everywhere to show everyone how extremely secret and conspirational it is?
Just answer this question: why? why should bill gates tell the photographer/graphician: "Could you please make the wallpapers of XP a bit more occult... eg. those clouds, they could look a bit more like "the" pyramid... yes, that's it... now a bit of an unholy shine..."
It's just unneccessary when you want to rule the world.
To reality: Why the fuck would anyone who does something secret put stupid symbols and stuff everywhere to show everyone how extremely secret and conspirational it is?
Just answer this question: why? why should bill gates tell the photographer/graphician: "Could you please make the wallpapers of XP a bit more occult... eg. those clouds, they could look a bit more like "the" pyramid... yes, that's it... now a bit of an unholy shine..."
It's just unneccessary when you want to rule the world.
Well, it's not new to anyone that people in the highest charges (either social, political or economic) are somehow joined in organizations, either called "skulls and bones", "freemasons", "catholic church" or "political parties".
Giuseppe Garibaldi (the "hero" who led revolutions in Italy and South America) was a Free Mason, so was Leonardo Da Vinci, and then mr.Cuccia (president of the Italian Nationa Bank for many years) and mr. Berlusconi (yes, the idiot midget).
Yale's fratenity Skulls&Bones was not invented after the movie either...
It wouldn't impress me if you tell me that mr.Gates is a member of one of those societies, or that possibly runs one on his own (and that Microsoft people have a secret handshake).
It's not illegal or filthy on any level (the freemasons headquarters can be commonsly found on yellowpages, at least in Italy, and notorious people form the industrial and political worlds don't hide the fact that they belong to Free Masons), and they are not always obsessed by occult practices and black magic.
They sometimes print pyramids on dollars, but hiding them in windows backgrounds would be completely pointless.
There are pyramids in Desert Dreams too, this doesn't link Laxity and the guys to any secret society.
Giuseppe Garibaldi (the "hero" who led revolutions in Italy and South America) was a Free Mason, so was Leonardo Da Vinci, and then mr.Cuccia (president of the Italian Nationa Bank for many years) and mr. Berlusconi (yes, the idiot midget).
Yale's fratenity Skulls&Bones was not invented after the movie either...
It wouldn't impress me if you tell me that mr.Gates is a member of one of those societies, or that possibly runs one on his own (and that Microsoft people have a secret handshake).
It's not illegal or filthy on any level (the freemasons headquarters can be commonsly found on yellowpages, at least in Italy, and notorious people form the industrial and political worlds don't hide the fact that they belong to Free Masons), and they are not always obsessed by occult practices and black magic.
They sometimes print pyramids on dollars, but hiding them in windows backgrounds would be completely pointless.
There are pyramids in Desert Dreams too, this doesn't link Laxity and the guys to any secret society.
I bet Robert Langdon and Jacques Saunière know all about this wallpaper!!!
Why do one always sounds stupid when one says WWW ?
As read inside the entrails of a breaded fish: W is the 23th letter of the alphabet and so 2*3=6.
Prove it :D
More seriously, freemasonry have nothing especially occult or secret, it's more about a club of lobbyists wanting to have more weight and power.
As read inside the entrails of a breaded fish: W is the 23th letter of the alphabet and so 2*3=6.
There are pyramids in Desert Dreams too, this doesn't link Laxity and the guys to any secret society.
Prove it :D
More seriously, freemasonry have nothing especially occult or secret, it's more about a club of lobbyists wanting to have more weight and power.
It may be the right time for the return of the "Masters Of The Scene".
watch my avatar, carefully...
To reality: Why the fuck would anyone who does something secret put stupid symbols and stuff everywhere to show everyone how extremely secret and conspirational it is?
Because they are arrogant. People is not to know, yet if noone knows, noone appreacite the "design" of the scheme. They just love to throw it in our face. The other part is to incorporate symbols in wich THEY belive in our lifes. Without us paying attention. These people belive those symbols to hold a magical value. Wich on it's own is pretty insane.
Dixon, yes you can find fremmsaonic lodges in the book. You can find the frontshield. And no, as i said, these frontends are not involved with much else than being rich bored old, and do charity. It is not about the pyramid itself. There are pyramids in egypt, but that doesnt mean that the egyption people is a hiden devil worhipping society. The pyramid is but one symbol of this occult mishmash they throw together.
Most of these people incl the royals, come from bloodlines where the power was insituted though deception, violence, fear mongering, terror and basically all your basic evils. They then married from amongst themself... If you breed a killer dog, and let that killer dog grow up with another killer dog, and then another and another. Would you belive the last in the line to pivious and good hearted? I wouldnt...I dont!
It gets madder... The prince of Denmark married as sweet Austalian girl, from "the people". Funny is that her father is member of "the scotiish rite" One of the original freemanson lodges. The other prince married a sweet Chinese woman "of the people" but shee was child of parents, both members of a club, with deep bonds to the house of winsor, through trade deals. The Danish royal family is strongly connected to the house of winsor. I mean this shit just goes on and on... And still you belive these people, and they cousins in banking to me "mentally sound" people? ..
Do you know why we dont inbreed animals? Because it makes the animals fucked up in the head. I wonder if the same thing might apply to people.
The pyramid is just the representation of a system: many at the bottom, few at the top.
iblis: put it this way, there are a million different conspiracy theories out there, everything from the freemasons running the government to god travellling in flying saucers. Wealthy, powerful people getting together to run the world is reasonably plausible. Bill Gates hiding potent magical symbols in windows backgrounds really isn't. I'd say its way more likely that whoever did the backgrounds hid the symbols there (if it isn't a coincidence that theres a patch of sky roughly pyramid shaped) just for amusement.
I agree. but it is amusement on our behalfs.
its probably a lot more amusing to microsoft's backdrop maker. Time to put mysterious hidden symbols in next demo.
/ \
damn bbcode!!!
oh, and i'm a member of the free masons for years now (and so is my dad, my granddad, etc etc etc)
don't worry.. we mean no harm.
oh, and i'm a member of the free masons for years now (and so is my dad, my granddad, etc etc etc)
don't worry.. we mean no harm.
Mate to even suspect, that anything gets out of microsoft without being looked through is naive. Microsoft use the same tactics as some globalists do. Problem, reaction, solution.
They create a problem, there is a panic reaction, they bring forth a solution, limiting rights. This is a method used by rulers through history.
Of what i have heard this makes sense. Microsoft's OS is not at all what they could be. There are under constant attacks from virus, hackers you name it. MS makes a solution for thei next os, that restricts certain elements, for our own protection ofcourse. So on, so forth... If it walks like a duck mate.
I still do not think, anyone is laughing but whoever put it there. Ofcourse the image itself holds no great signifigance. Rather a clue more, in a worldwide game of wierd shit. An economic/power/politics/inbreed game of dominance, including elements of the occult.
Remember how the MS empire was build. They lie about nothing, its all out there in the open, but try to pay attention to names and bloodlines. Bill wasnt excactly from a poor family.
They create a problem, there is a panic reaction, they bring forth a solution, limiting rights. This is a method used by rulers through history.
Of what i have heard this makes sense. Microsoft's OS is not at all what they could be. There are under constant attacks from virus, hackers you name it. MS makes a solution for thei next os, that restricts certain elements, for our own protection ofcourse. So on, so forth... If it walks like a duck mate.
I still do not think, anyone is laughing but whoever put it there. Ofcourse the image itself holds no great signifigance. Rather a clue more, in a worldwide game of wierd shit. An economic/power/politics/inbreed game of dominance, including elements of the occult.
Remember how the MS empire was build. They lie about nothing, its all out there in the open, but try to pay attention to names and bloodlines. Bill wasnt excactly from a poor family.
Okkie, so is my family. My grandad a succesfull business man, grew in rank and suddenly withdrew and became strongly relegious. My father is a succesfull diplomat rising in ranks quickly. Was asked to take a seat in the UN council, but didnt, because hed rather go to Africa, where more "action" was going on. The front ends are good people. But they are but a front end. Wehn you get near the UN councill you are well up in the ranks, and that would explain some changes in his behaviour and general attitude. I dont think he knows what is going on though. But trust me when i say, the "thinking" in these high layers are INSANE!!!
My family being masons is not really important though. I just realised that through my studying of the connections of danish royals and wealthy people. My grandad refuse to speak of it at all. Im welcome in their lodge being the son of 2 members. But there is no way im going to take part of that system, even though i know the people at the lodge itself are genuinely good people.
My family being masons is not really important though. I just realised that through my studying of the connections of danish royals and wealthy people. My grandad refuse to speak of it at all. Im welcome in their lodge being the son of 2 members. But there is no way im going to take part of that system, even though i know the people at the lodge itself are genuinely good people.

Also, they put sedatives in tap water. and vodka.
this is the best thread ever!
i think i once drank vodka that had those sedatives shifter mentioned... i think it also had that CIA memory-erasing drug they got off the aliens at roswell. i've got proof: i couldn't remember shit the next day... i have these flashbacks of certain portuguese and finnish and italian and german and norwegian and swiss people near-by, but i think those memories were planted in my mind to distract me from the ultimate truth...
It is easyer to mock than to think. There is nothing i have said that cannot be confirmed. Just start digging. And prison may not be the best place to start, if you catch my drift.
Mate to even suspect, that anything gets out of microsoft without being looked through is naive.
so this wasn't an oversight either, but a well planned conspiracy?