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category: general [glöplog]
I just noticed this today.

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Have anyone else noticed this?
added on the 2004-12-19 20:38:25 by NoahR NoahR
Only today i figured the following out!!

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Anyone who has more information on this?
added on the 2004-12-19 20:49:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
added on the 2004-12-19 20:49:56 by okkie okkie
BB Image
added on the 2004-12-19 20:50:10 by skrebbel skrebbel
You see no image?

added on the 2004-12-19 20:50:33 by NoahR NoahR


added on the 2004-12-19 20:51:21 by okkie okkie
oh yes, MicroSoft and free MaSons are so interconnected. Ah, and have you seen that human-like face on Mars?
added on the 2004-12-19 21:21:41 by dixan dixan
hahaha skrebbel fuck you°!
added on the 2004-12-19 21:46:42 by dipswitch dipswitch
added on the 2004-12-19 22:09:18 by xeNusion xeNusion
dixan, what about the face?
added on the 2004-12-19 22:54:46 by NoahR NoahR
Okkie: Is that the reason you're not known as Okkie Hasselhoff any more?
hehe, i'm still Okkie Hasselhoff :)
added on the 2004-12-19 23:04:01 by okkie okkie
anyone knows when that "hassle the hoff" album will be out?
added on the 2004-12-19 23:24:38 by cruzer cruzer
alas.. it was all a joke

:( :( :( :(
added on the 2004-12-19 23:30:37 by okkie okkie
now lets all read http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/lenin.html and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that dipswitch really isn't david hasselhoff...
added on the 2004-12-20 01:14:11 by uncle-x uncle-x
The face is just a rock. Somehow this ms background strikes me as somewhat, more sinister.
added on the 2004-12-20 03:34:24 by NoahR NoahR
I also have noticed this:

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It's even ore evident that the pyramid!

added on the 2004-12-20 14:37:12 by dixan dixan
You dont get it do you?.
added on the 2004-12-20 14:39:21 by NoahR NoahR
added on the 2004-12-20 14:39:57 by Gargaj Gargaj
dixan, that's cool indeed. how obvious!
added on the 2004-12-20 14:50:23 by dalezr dalezr
Microsoft has some scary story behind it anyway.
The Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 (network installation) has a filesize of 272.391 Megabytes, which is 285622665.2 bytes.
If you divide such a number by the earth-sun average distance (149597892 km) you'll get 1.9092693, which is 1/10 of a number which can be found in this table http://www.env.leeds.ac.uk/envi3140/pract/DN6.txt, made by the school of Earth and Environment in Leeds, UK.
And what can you find in the same directory of that table?
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A flight over the Gulf!!!! OMG! WTF!!!

added on the 2004-12-20 15:01:12 by dixan dixan
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added on the 2004-12-20 15:14:35 by el mal el mal
Dixan, what kind of nonsense is that``
added on the 2004-12-20 15:44:54 by NoahR NoahR
Iblis: ok, let's cut it this way... there isn't any god's eye or pyramid in the MS wallpaper, there was no face on mars and no Lenin in that guy's shower (see UncleX link).
There is no Santa Claus either, and Rob isn't "jarig" anymore.

On the other hand, the connection between SP2 and Persian Gulf is crystal clear and can't be argued about.

You can't be serious about this stuff, come on!
added on the 2004-12-20 15:53:57 by dixan dixan
No i dont think there is a stone face on mars, or lenin in the guys shower. But i have more than good reason to b elive in a connection between the riches folks in the world.

I live in Denmark, recently i found out that both canditates for the next election. BOTH have been linked with the bilderberg group, and both have memberships of the "secret" lodges of freemasonry. Ofcourse these have a christian front end and most member are rich bored old men who wears a fez. The other side is what my freind met, when he was serving at one of their conventions. Said he wasnt allowed to go into the temple itself, but from the sound of it, all kinds of wierd shit took place in there. Bildenberg is directly linked to other freemason society's both in europe and US, and is directly linked to the house of windsor through the now dead prince of holland.

Im not saying there is a illuminati that is behinid the planning. Rather an elite of filthy rich people obsessed with occult practice, such as worhipping stones, numerollogy etc.. That all work linked to a common agenda. To have more...

I do think these people meet in secret to set standards. I know from a guy who had a record label, that once a year, the majors media coorps in england send in their representant to a meeting where they choose what will be hot for the next year. Think about that for a minute.

Leave the occult ufo conspiracy crap out of it, and start to view the patterns, of those who are in REAL (financial) control of society.

And that is why im rather spooked about the pyramid as subliminal messaging. Why wouldnt bill be a member of one of these "filthy rich" clubs? I know that mearsk in Denmark is, and he is not nearly as rich as Gates-

You see the pyramid too, yet you completely refuse to see it as enything but mere coincidence. If you look into it, you start to notice that all the bacgrounds with Xp, has an occult refference in one way or another. Had ther been one, or 2 or 3 i wouldnt have paid much attention to it. But it is ALL of them. Im not going to give it away, either you want to see what is going on, or you prefer to stay asleep, it makes little difference to me.

added on the 2004-12-20 16:48:47 by NoahR NoahR


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