Random gif animation thread
category: residue [glöplog]


That tetris one fucked with my head more than I'd really like to admit.

Then why try to mess with mine? Oh... Maybe...
You got with that tetris too. Somehow I feel incomplete.

The internet can end now.
Kinda glad I didn't open this page when my wife and daughter were in the room.
Kinda glad I didn't open this page when my wife and daughter were in the room.
Bumppity bump.

@salinga: Was nsfw, at least a small thumbnail
I once had a bug in the browser, it would be very rarely freeze for 5 seconds or something. Dafuck was that? I couldn't even Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Esc, no Page Down, nothing. Horrified me, the idea of watching random thread reloaded when boss came in and it freezed right in the most unsafe pic.
So, yeah let's post relevant shit