category: general [glöplog]
Set up a little website for a fun project with mostly local mates... i need vote sheets.. check out the site and grab the votesheet at the bottom of the page and vote.. :)
Please be quick!
Please be quick!
(this url works!)
i guess you can tell i have had a drink...
(this url works!)
i guess you can tell i have had a drink...
argh my eyes... dude that's the most yellow site i've ever seen.
nice idea though. you'll prolly get 39456r67 posts tellin ya that it's not scene related, but who cares?
nice idea though. you'll prolly get 39456r67 posts tellin ya that it's not scene related, but who cares?
what kind of number has an 'r' in the middle?
please post this at
dude, lee, and you tell me you dont have time/interest for ascii while doing sensless shit like this at the same time? =)
keep voting.. thats for all the votes so far!!!
You might wanna give that choice of color a second thought.
Hail the singing scene!
Sorry Darkus, byt Shakka Shan gets my vote cos I'm just about the greatest Tiffany fan in the whole world!!!
Sorry Darkus, byt Shakka Shan gets my vote cos I'm just about the greatest Tiffany fan in the whole world!!!
why? i enjoyed using the colour.. it was FUN.. so.. er.. thats enough for me.. if iblis feels so strongly about colour choice he has to spend his own personal time complaining.. thats fine.. his own pathetic loss .. :) just makes me smile :)
oh.. the fun
oh.. the fun
haha shane.. i`ll forgive u when i get the votesheet :)

Oh, baby!
wow. darkus, i know anyone of us does a stupid thing when it comes to releasing stuff. even kb released his early attempts of singing .. but please .. stick to ascii. =)
fuck, just noticed dip was pointing out at the same.