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Any Grumpy Old Bastards here?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Medical question - I recently had some trouble with my ticker. Cardiologist suggested angina. Recent test results suggest bypass surgery as the worst case scenario.

Anyone here ever had the same or similar and can give me some advice/what to expect.

I know this is wildly offtopic and I do realise that most members here are probably too young to be affected but I thought I'd ask.

If you've got no positive input then please feel free to simply ignore this post rather than trolling and trying to start a bun-fight.
Thanks in advance & umm...
Cheers. ;]
added on the 2014-05-01 09:41:11 by ringofyre ringofyre
This might be of interest to you:


This more or less corresponds to what I learned at medial school. However, don't take this as expert advice, just as a suggestion. I take no warranty for what is written in this article.
added on the 2014-05-01 12:05:16 by Adok Adok
maybe they can use your removed foreskin as new artery to help the aorta a bit!
added on the 2014-05-01 12:34:54 by el mal el mal
That or they could use the excess skin from my hemorrhoids. ;P
added on the 2014-05-01 12:56:09 by ringofyre ringofyre
My father had a bypass surgery. It is a complex operation and one needs time to recover from it, but it is relatively common these days and it does make a lot of difference in terms of quality of life. I do not know what is the probability of complications nowadays (must be few per cent; it was about 5 per cent 15 years ago). However, if you check out the stats of survival within 2-5 years with vs without the operation, it is a no-brainer. Of course, these are only statistical rules of the thumb. So listen to what your doctors think carefully and they should be able to give you a proper qualified advice for your individual situation.
added on the 2014-05-01 12:56:51 by introspec introspec
Thank you introspec. I appreciate your input. I hope your dad is doing well.
added on the 2014-05-01 13:15:48 by ringofyre ringofyre
Well, I know someone who died of bypass surgery.
added on the 2014-05-01 13:53:18 by Adok Adok
This is why I said that this is a very serious decision that cannot possible be made by Pouet bystanders. The risk of complications and even death is very real. However, the risk of dying from an untreated condition like this is just as real. Which is why it is very important to listen to what doctors will have to say.
added on the 2014-05-01 18:52:00 by introspec introspec
My father had his bypass surgery in 2000. It did not go perfectly in a sense that he had a complication, possibly related to his habit of heavy smoking, which he refuses to stop even to this day. Nevertheless, in 2000 even walking to bakery to buy some bread was a challenge for him and operation made a lot of difference to him.
added on the 2014-05-01 18:57:12 by introspec introspec
Obviously I will consult closely with my GP, cardiologist and family, Probably get a 2nd opinion even. Thanks again introspec.

I came here looking for some anecdotal advice, either 1st hand (or in intospec's case 2nd hand). That's exactly what I got.
Then there was Adok...
added on the 2014-05-01 23:22:18 by ringofyre ringofyre
An ex-colleague of mine (ex as in colleague only, he's still alive) had a bypass. It's not a minor op, but on the other hand he's been fine since (still smoking, eating toast with nearly an inch of butter, adding about 10 spoons of salt to his morning fry-up etc too).

The one complication he had was that he took a shower alone too soon after the operation, somehow collapsed in there and managed to break his shoulder.
added on the 2014-05-02 12:57:05 by psonice psonice
I'm not too fussed atm. All my bloods and whatnots are well within range. I'm a recent ex-smoker (only when I was drinking - about a pack of 20 cigs a week roughly) and I've all but given up the demon drink.
The cardiologist wants me to drop a few kilos (but then so does the missus ;]) but aside from that it's the rabbit-food-munching lifestyle afterwards I think I'm more afraid of.
Might have to use your mate as role model...
added on the 2014-05-02 14:57:37 by ringofyre ringofyre
Why do you not accept medical advice from a professional? I am working as a medical doctor in real life. Of course helping you here at pouet is not what I am paid for, but why do you reject it?
added on the 2014-05-02 16:15:26 by Adok Adok
Adok: same "medical doctor" as in Human Centipede?
added on the 2014-05-02 16:19:50 by rez rez
can i read about it in jewsnews?
added on the 2014-05-02 16:58:44 by el mal el mal
Imagine that there are people on this planet who have Adok as their doctor...

Sincerely a very depressing thought.
added on the 2014-05-02 17:59:53 by Rob Rob
That Adok bashing is getting boring. So you judge medical skills by pouet posts... hm.
added on the 2014-05-02 18:48:01 by chromag chromag
added on the 2014-05-02 19:09:32 by Rob Rob
My dad had to have open heart surgery twice. Tripple Bypass, but after his recovery he is fitter than all of us, i'm not just saying it, he gets about everywhere just fine. If it comes to that for you, I wish you luck, and i'm sure you'll be back to trolling in no time ;) jk.
added on the 2014-05-02 19:24:58 by keito keito
professor chromag: with a degree in (child)psychology, i expect you know what we're on about ;)
added on the 2014-05-02 20:26:18 by el mal el mal
[quote=ringofyre]That or they could use the excess skin from my hemorrhoids. ;P[/quote]

So THAT's why you have that handle! hrhr...
added on the 2014-05-02 20:53:39 by Photon Photon
A subset of BB Code is allowed here ;)
added on the 2014-05-02 20:56:42 by Photon Photon
Chromag: point given, i am nothing like my pouet-alterEgo in realLife, but: would you want to get "cured" by adok yourself? :p ;)
Sorry, Adok, you just completely disqualified to me as a person i´d like to resist in! :p You aren´t even able to cure yourself! ME neither, but i am no Doctor trying to atleast! :P
but hArDy.! i offered many times to heal you! ;D
added on the 2014-05-02 21:35:23 by gentleman gentleman


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