Revision 2014 - April 18th to 21st
category: parties [glöplog]
kwe: Inside at the picknick tables near the infodesk.
The live voting capability seems awesome. Great job!
Does someone have a charger for a canon Eos DSLR battery that I could borrow a bit? - livecoding entries + tool uploading.
Preacher, I think I do. I’m sitting at the interjunction of beam team area entrance and the upstairs orga area. However, I’ll be leaving for a seminar shortly. I’ll leave the charger on top of a MacBook, just grab it and return it when you’re done.
@Gargaj: ZIP is not working unfortunatly ("Invalid ZIP" after renaming the extension to ".zip" only).
Salinga: "filepart" implies it's still uploading, of course.
Bombe, thanks a lot! <3
live voting = <3
What saga said! +1
Yep - that's pretty awesome!
acryd: love the details in the jingle lightshow this year! <3
Please, pleaaaaseeee help a scener in distress

The stream crashed?
stream is glitchy as hell through the Ustream app.. :(

Greetz for all sceners. Especially MorphOS-fans. :)
There are literally dozens of you!
you can now stop buying beer. thanks.

styx: why? Next up is 13337!
TDK on stage:

when you put 64K compo the afternoon... 64K strikes back :D.
Not so much entries yet awesome compo.
Not so much entries yet awesome compo.