art is a hump
category: general [glöplog]
When it comes to non-demosceners I've learned early that if you draw or paint things "too good" people don't care as much. Have any other artists experienced this?
Like for instance I this up in my home

Which people completely ignore all the time, like it's not even art.
then they all go to the piece of shit art that I put up from the 9th grade (no pic) like it's the bees knees.
it's like it's a bell curve were the y-axis is appreciation for art and the x-axis is skill.
any other artists experience this from the non-demoscene population?
Like for instance I this up in my home

Which people completely ignore all the time, like it's not even art.
then they all go to the piece of shit art that I put up from the 9th grade (no pic) like it's the bees knees.
it's like it's a bell curve were the y-axis is appreciation for art and the x-axis is skill.
any other artists experience this from the non-demoscene population?
If a painting reveals the motive immediatly, the motive needs to be interesting.
Yeh this happened to my uncle, he painted near photo realistic horses in oils when he was older, but everyone loved the basic watercolours he did when he was 20. well except me, i had a reoccuring nightmare of being in one of the watercolours most of my childhood, so they still freak me out.
Has nothing to do with sceners or non-demosceners, it's not like we all have the same taste (which is a good thing).
A image, or photo - needs to be interesting - sometimes it's not even the picture itself that makes it interesting. Take cave paintings, they're actually quite lame - you and me drew better at being five y/o - but take their age, and you got something to converse about.
Also your bathtub pic, it's my opinion so take or not - but it's boring - there's somebody in a tub looking bored by themselves. Sometimes it's not about the technique, but the story the image has to tell, imagine you'd see the bottom of the tub with two pair of shoes - suddenly I'd be able to spin up a story for me.
A image, or photo - needs to be interesting - sometimes it's not even the picture itself that makes it interesting. Take cave paintings, they're actually quite lame - you and me drew better at being five y/o - but take their age, and you got something to converse about.
Also your bathtub pic, it's my opinion so take or not - but it's boring - there's somebody in a tub looking bored by themselves. Sometimes it's not about the technique, but the story the image has to tell, imagine you'd see the bottom of the tub with two pair of shoes - suddenly I'd be able to spin up a story for me.
i hope you pooped in the bath to make it interesting
^ oh look maali turned up to make a comment.
Sig, I do quite like your artwork. I do get what you mean about how people's perception of what you yourself consider "good" can vary quite differently to what you may feel is your best work - I guess it really just comes down to the eye of the beholder and all that stuff.
Sig, I do quite like your artwork. I do get what you mean about how people's perception of what you yourself consider "good" can vary quite differently to what you may feel is your best work - I guess it really just comes down to the eye of the beholder and all that stuff.
is art a like
I can see two reasons for that.
People like what they can understand and relate to. Chances are, the more you pursue your art, the more advance, specific and personal it's going to be. Thus the less people are going to appreciate it.
Moreover as you learn to master some art, you become less impressionable by the cheap tricks, and learn to see difficulty and mastering. Therefore that thing you thought was awesome might appears years later only as shallow, while on the opposite you start to see the skill behind a piece of art that seemed unremarkable.
People like what they can understand and relate to. Chances are, the more you pursue your art, the more advance, specific and personal it's going to be. Thus the less people are going to appreciate it.
Moreover as you learn to master some art, you become less impressionable by the cheap tricks, and learn to see difficulty and mastering. Therefore that thing you thought was awesome might appears years later only as shallow, while on the opposite you start to see the skill behind a piece of art that seemed unremarkable.

i think people seek originality in art, to differ from the others.
these pictures were painted by the same guy, most of the people would not recognize the first as a Picasso painting. though it's technically impressive and realistic, but looks like a bunch of 'average' paintings from that era.
in music
lo-fi > hi-fi
lo-fi > hi-fi
thanks for everyone's input!!!!