Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Pandur has leading!
yes, now i want a 3D printer and a bottle of lube! :P
Pandur: well, that's tonight's nightmares sorted :)
Provod: Here's the paper I based my terrain raycaster off. It offers fast intersections, but the downsides are that it needs a max-mipmap generated for it (like a mipmap but with max instead of avg values) and doesn't do any interpolation between heightmap samples (so blocky if the viewer is close).
Provod: Here's the paper I based my terrain raycaster off. It offers fast intersections, but the downsides are that it needs a max-mipmap generated for it (like a mipmap but with max instead of avg values) and doesn't do any interpolation between heightmap samples (so blocky if the viewer is close).
bloodnok: the paper looks interesting, thanks!
re: http://i.imgur.com/MhtC07q.png
I see a pony with light blue and pink hair facing screen left with one hoof raised in a pixelated rotozoomer scene or mirrored lake water effect next to a tall twister effect.
I don't know how anyone could even remotely see a pony in that screenshot, but okay, whatever you like :D[]
I see a pony with light blue and pink hair facing screen left with one hoof raised in a pixelated rotozoomer scene or mirrored lake water effect next to a tall twister effect.
correction: pony with lake effect. the rotozomer is in the background having a black and white logo type (dss?). at least that's what I want to see.
Last minute pre-party fixes - let's squash the bug that had me beatbox to the crashed beam system last year, shall we? :)
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/CcN1IlK.jpg)
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/CcN1IlK.jpg)
I would enjoy you beatboxing again very much ;-)
...nono... it's the software that ran the MF Global scam !
typedef float MFReal;
@kb_: i hope you will fix the namevoting class!
That's a easy fix, we delete France.
![BB Image](http://theadesilva.com/prog1.jpg)
![BB Image](http://theadesilva.com/prog2.jpg)
![BB Image](http://theadesilva.com/prog3.jpg)
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/CtQBduL.jpg)
![BB Image](http://luis.net/projects/twister/twister_noscan.png)
![BB Image](http://luis.net/projects/twister/twister_scan.png)
Media Foundation actually (hooray for accelerated video playback) but yeah, your therories sound better :D
Also, VS2013's git integration kinda snuck up on me and I must say it's nice. :)
Also, VS2013's git integration kinda snuck up on me and I must say it's nice. :)
that knot torus looks sexy I wanna lick it.
needs more phosphors
kb: finally a nice gui for git? Maybe I should switch to vs2013 too...
That's knot a torus. This is a torus ... with actual phosphors
![BB Image](http://luis.net/personal/pouet/phosphorKnot.jpg)
![BB Image](http://luis.net/personal/pouet/phosphorKnot.jpg)
![BB Image](https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/50bf3f4076a627ab3200a072/51152f49a9b654c4740160b1/1396x896/f5c1d2fb87b0e7c649108f92e2928be1/upload_2014-04-15_at_5.14.43_pm.png)
@kb: is media foundation some sort of new-age combination of direct draw, direct sound and video for windows?
![BB Image](http://home.no/rudibs/imgs.png)
rudi: inspired by Mona ?