Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
I cannot believe the nerve of you people!
Has anyone asked any of these bunnies if they were prepared to have their nude photos plastered all over teh interwebz for monsters such as yourselves to oggle and make fun of?
A lot of these photos appear to be candid rather than posed - that means some poor, young naive rabbit has been exploited just for the pleasure of others. The modeled ones are even worse, clearly some much older predatory person has taken advantage of these innocent floppy eared models with little or no self esteem in order to not only take salacious pictures of them but to do so in a manner that purely portrays them as objects rather than living, breathing cute animals!
Won't somebody think of the bunny rabbits?!
Has anyone asked any of these bunnies if they were prepared to have their nude photos plastered all over teh interwebz for monsters such as yourselves to oggle and make fun of?
A lot of these photos appear to be candid rather than posed - that means some poor, young naive rabbit has been exploited just for the pleasure of others. The modeled ones are even worse, clearly some much older predatory person has taken advantage of these innocent floppy eared models with little or no self esteem in order to not only take salacious pictures of them but to do so in a manner that purely portrays them as objects rather than living, breathing cute animals!
Won't somebody think of the bunny rabbits?!
you make poor ugly bunny cry, because of the false stereotype you enforced, by posting cute bunnies! but ugly bunny is a real charming personality inside, its not about the appearence as you implicitly put it by posting nice bunnies!

Not to mention the stereotyping - why only bunnies eh? Is it just that you guys only think that animals of the short legged, fluffy and long-eared varieties can be attractive.
How about a bit of diversity once in a while.

@Oswald - cheers for the lol!
How about a bit of diversity once in a while.

@Oswald - cheers for the lol!


^Save your "violence against bunnies" pics for another thread you monster!!!!11^

yeah, or how about ED the croc ? why only fluffy hairy mammals should count as cute? you goddamn racists!! ED is a real nice in person, please dont objectify animals on subjective criteria !!

You guys are nothing but animals!
You only portray bunnies you see as "cute" in your pics. Not all bunnies fit into the same mold - how about some pics of Random Real Rabbits?
You beasts, you!!

You only portray bunnies you see as "cute" in your pics. Not all bunnies fit into the same mold - how about some pics of Random Real Rabbits?
You beasts, you!!

And what about others? You guys are here spreading your hate-filled vilification whilst completely objectifying just one species.
Just because they aren't cute and fluffy doesn't mean they cannot be seen as attractive.....

Just because they aren't cute and fluffy doesn't mean they cannot be seen as attractive.....

Too SFW.

Really, violence isn't enough now your posting pics depicting dead bunnies? You are just the wrongest person!!1!
You've pushed me too far, now I'm forced to post nudes in bed of the youngest female member of my household just to show you that I don't objectify females....

You've pushed me too far, now I'm forced to post nudes in bed of the youngest female member of my household just to show you that I don't objectify females....

Imma goanna stroke this naked pussy.