Buy and Sell?
category: general [glöplog]
Im looking for a C64 with 1541 floppy drive, condition not really valid as long as it works (if it breaks wanna learn how to fix it :P), are such posts allowed on pouet?
i'm in Australia
i'm in Australia
laz33rr I might have a 1541 with cables floating around - I'll search the crap room tomorrow and see what I can come up with - I'll ask postage from Perth and a few beers if I make it over east for a party this year.
cool man no hurry
Why not look into a 1541 Ultimate II like I am doing?
Saves all the hassle of bulky drives and power bricks.
Saves all the hassle of bulky drives and power bricks.
Lazz - sorry mate, must've been sent to the tip in one of my missus' pogroms of parts! I did find a couple of old 7 pin cables (pwr supply I think) if you need 'em give me a shout (my email is my yahoo handle at that australian address).