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assembly summer 2014 . . . any rumors?

category: parties [glöplog]
So I have this sense it might not be at the usual time this year and really want to book those plane tickets.
Assembly is a party worth visiting, even if you've not been there before.

There are rumours that there'll be an appearance from DJ h0ffman there this year. Only rumours at the moment, so don't pin your hopes on him giving one of his excellent sets, even he is going as a visitor ......
added on the 2014-02-28 23:07:37 by Felice Felice
well, first, i heard rumours that the dates would clash with evoke. dino wasnt happy about it. so i asked abyss himself a while ago but he said the asm dates werent official yet, depending on whether they pick the new-old venue etc based on asm winter experiences and then he'd announce smth soon.
added on the 2014-02-28 23:34:18 by el mal el mal
If it would clash with Evoke, it would also clash with Flow Festival, which would make Asm the third choice at least for me.
added on the 2014-03-01 01:09:31 by Preacher Preacher


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