Any scene existing in Vietnam?
category: general [glöplog]
I managed to eat with chopsticks but I didn't manage to find any scene or scener here in Vietnam. Even prominent search engines are like "WTF, how should I know that".
Also, as far as I am aware, no scene website makes it possible to look up users by country...
Anyone here from VN or surrounding countries?
Ah yeah, I can see the rice field jokes coming, don't be a ricesist :-P
Also, as far as I am aware, no scene website makes it possible to look up users by country...
Anyone here from VN or surrounding countries?
Ah yeah, I can see the rice field jokes coming, don't be a ricesist :-P
i love the smell of copperbars in the morning! would reveal them, if there were any. So no :-(
pigpen, you moved to vietnam? how come? :P
great to see a lifesign from you!
great to see a lifesign from you!
ah, got your email in the meantime, never mind =)

gasman: it didn't reveal pigpen, yet he's there. And I guess that reveals the main likelihood of finding more sceners in vietnam - people who've moved there for whatever reason :)

They are still many people missing from demozoo.
They are still many people missing from demozoo.
CSDb site for C64 demoscene has search for countries, but Vietnam is not even in the list.
Forcer: great report. thanks for the link!
"A business card from Google doesn't hurt either."
Judging by the great report posted by Forcer, it seems that Vietnam would be a demoscene superpower in the next decade.
Great report, indeed. Currently it is even very hard to find devs for our company, let's wait ten more years... %)
Demozoo is strange, it looks like tons of different information sources are thrown together... Wrongly... But nice I see some in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, ...
Demozoo is strange, it looks like tons of different information sources are thrown together... Wrongly... But nice I see some in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, ...
PigPen: so do you do outreach? ;)
Penis joke incoming...
Due to a lack of funds, the school could not afford two CS teachers, so half the school was unable to take CS. I asked what a teacher's salary was. $100 per month. So I went to an ATM and bought them a second teacher for the next year.
The article about computer education in Vietnam was interesting. But I doubt there will be many Vietnamese demosceners due to this. I reckon they will be more interested in using their computer skills to make money.
Just now I have read on Facebook that in Sweden children are also taught to program computer games at school since the game industry is considered a huge business in Sweden. We will see if this will bring more Swedish demosceners in a couple of years - most likely not.
Just now I have read on Facebook that in Sweden children are also taught to program computer games at school since the game industry is considered a huge business in Sweden. We will see if this will bring more Swedish demosceners in a couple of years - most likely not.
pigpen, feel free to correct information at demozoo!
Sweden had a very strong Atari ST demoscene back in the days (The Carebears, Sync, Omega, Ghost, Flexible Front, No Crew,...)
and so did France.
You may try to contact (if he is still living there...)
You may try to contact (if he is still living there...)
lsl: Not to mention the 64 scene, which is like 30% swedish these days. Most of the bigger c64 centric parties (except for X, I guess) are being held in Sweden as well.
I had a short tweet-conversation with someone who appeared to be Vietnamese a month back.