fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
I managed to goof up the nfo with UTF-8 (thanks mac!). So if someone could just convert it to latin1 so that the "Nîÿ" part would show up correctly that would be swell. TIA
Just provide the correct nfo file and we will replace it.
is a dupe of this :
is a dupe of this :
noby: You can do this by using the request system, I think? If not, please tell. :)
tomaes: I don't think so, the only applicable choice I think it "other request", which directs here (or did I miss something?)
Not sure; I'd have to create a dummy account to see what can be done on a user level. Anyway, I replaced the screenshot.
tomaes: only uploading new screenshots is possible for users, replacing is gloperator-only :)
Well, irokos added it, but next time:


Please change platform to JavaScript
...for this prod.
please change platform to JavaScript for this prod as well.
I don't think it makes sense unless the player is written in js. I've checked both packs and they're pretty much just info files :)
Hi, the download link is the Online link. Sorry. I posted you a download link 1 min ago.
sorry wut?
ok just saw it... sorry, i'm not adding dyndns links, please arrange a proper host (untergrund f.e.)
Hi! May you change party title. (
There is "Sochi 2014 party 2000", but must be "Sochi 2014 party" (without 2000).
There is "Sochi 2014 party 2000", but must be "Sochi 2014 party" (without 2000).
Or, even better, just Sochi Party.
On topic of which, I need nyuk to be added to groups (along with Team Site) in this demo.
On topic of which, I need nyuk to be added to groups (along with Team Site) in this demo.
party name fixed, group added, but what's the deal with that download link?
Oh damn, I've accidentally copied the wrong one without even noticing it!
well, just use the "change download link" option here :)
oh you already did, sorry, haven't noticed
anyway, i'm gonna accept that for now but please find a more permanent hosting than dropbox :)
anyway, i'm gonna accept that for now but please find a more permanent hosting than dropbox :)
Will try! Although I'll not promise I will - maybe unless nyuk will agree to host it on
New/better/proper screenshot for Analog 801.