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musicans "plattform" on pouet ?

category: music [glöplog]
Hi all.

I'm wondering what you think about giving demoscener-musicans a plattform on pouet for spreading their music-composings & albums...
added on the 2014-01-01 19:26:23 by .. ..
There's demozoo for that now
added on the 2014-01-01 21:11:43 by xTr1m xTr1m
There are lot of sites out now :) But i think pouet it THE plattform ever :)
added on the 2014-01-01 21:15:38 by .. ..
There are a lot of sites, but Pouet is THE platform, even if it isn't?
added on the 2014-01-01 21:19:31 by Preacher Preacher
why you think so preacher ?
added on the 2014-01-01 21:27:22 by .. ..
If it's not too spammy, you can use the BBS to post about new albums of sceners. For everything else there's soundcloud, youtube and whatever else is popular.
added on the 2014-01-01 21:29:32 by tomaes tomaes
I'm afraid Demozoo has no plans (for now) to cover albums and other music released outside of demos / competitions, mainly because there's no clear way to draw the boundary. If we include albums by demosceners, it's going to naturally expand to 'demoscenish' music (e.g. the chipmusic scene, and other releases from netlabels that have a strong demoscene connection) and then to any electronic musician who wants a bit of free promotion. Before we know it, we'd be running an indie music database with a bit of demoscene content on the side ;-)
added on the 2014-01-01 22:47:11 by gasman gasman
theres a 'workaround' for this: just add a player with UI and call it a musicdisk =)
added on the 2014-01-01 23:00:46 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Have a look at Scenesat, Bitfellas and Nectarine.
added on the 2014-01-01 23:01:40 by Salinga Salinga
Add it Grammy-pouet instead thumbs :P

BB Image
Wysiwtf: i can not code.
added on the 2014-01-01 23:41:14 by .. ..
@daXX - I've noticed a lot of people here who just start a new thread about their album/tracks with links to soundcloud and bandcamp etc. Maybe scene.org needs a new category? I've got stuff I'd put up there.
added on the 2014-01-02 00:36:48 by ringofyre ringofyre
Sure... You can always use other sites to upload something and present it there.

But i mean specialy for the demoscene...
The place is pouet imho.
All sceners meet here and watching here every day.

I can also upload demos on uploaded.to and hope that someone download it at the year 2145.

It was just an idea to combine more "Demoscene-Stuff" into one Site. Demosceners also doing music and graphics. not demos only... :)
added on the 2014-01-02 01:41:57 by .. ..
anyway.. if someone is interested in coding a nice musicdisc i would be happy too.
added on the 2014-01-02 01:47:29 by .. ..
if it's for amiga, I'm in! ;))
added on the 2014-01-02 09:10:34 by bonefish bonefish
What's wrong with https://www.scenemusic.net/ for that very narrow purpose? For everything else, there's SoundCloud you know.
added on the 2014-01-02 09:44:10 by gloom gloom
I have had this same question for some time. Demozoo looks quite promising for the purpose I think the OP has in mind. It even seems to support graphics, photos and such. Great!

What's wrong with the other suggested places
- SoundCloud, Bandcamp, YouTube: these are generic media sharing sites, with no support for essential demoscene-specific features like queriable fields for author handle, group, party, etc.
- Scenemusic.net /Nectarine: it's a demoscene _radio_. Yes, it does have a database for songs, authors, groups, and even links to YouTube captures of the demos, but ultimately it's a streaming radio and a listener community around it. You're supposed to listen to the stream, and hang around and chat with other Nectas. It's great fun, but it doesn't really work for what I think the OP wants. Only moderators have the right to click and listen to any song they want when they want, and all others are supposed to listen to the stream (and add song requests to the queue).
- Scenesat: it's a radio, right?
- Bitfellas: I'm sorry, but what the heck is this thing??? I can't make heads or tails of it, it's a huge mess. Wall of chaos. For years I thought it was some kind of an advertisement link spam site, but now I understand it probably doesn't try to be. But even looking at the thing gives me a headache, so I try not to go there.
added on the 2014-01-02 15:52:13 by yzi yzi
Once upon a time someone thought it would be cool if there would be a site for all the executable / wild productions made by the scene, so he sat down and made Pouet.

Some time later someone thought it would be cool if there would be a site for all the graphics, so they sat down and made ArtCity.

Then some time later someone thought it would be cool if there would be a site for all the music, so they went on Pouet to complain about it.
added on the 2014-01-02 17:21:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
yzi got it. :)
added on the 2014-01-02 18:41:13 by .. ..
Scenemusic.net /Nectarine: it's a demoscene _radio_

Pouet is 14y and always was about demos. But it makes more sense if you can spread your music-composings & albums on a more popular site.
Gargaj: There's actually a good reason people ask this thing to be added to Pouet, and that reason is not because the askers are stupid lazy idiots. It's because Pouet has become, regardless of what it was originally set out to be, the de-facto model and master database of demoscene productions, providing "object identifiers" and relationships about demos and demo parties, not restricted to any specific platform. When I want to quickly but accurately refer to a specific meaning of a word, I usually link to a Wikipedia article. When I want to refer to a specific demo, group, or a demo party, I link to a Pouet entry. But for stand-alone pieces of music or graphics... I don't know. If you're only interested in C64, there's CSDB, which is kind of like what the OP would like to see Pouet become, but it's a vertical platform-specific silo.

I hope Demozoo can become a "cross-platform CSDB". Then there would be less need for Pouet to work as a central database, and it could concentrate on... I don't know, maybe the thumb up and thumb down commenting thing, of which I am not very interested. But in order for that to happen, a critical mass of users is needed, I think.

I'm not saying anybody "should" do anything.
added on the 2014-01-02 19:30:37 by yzi yzi
forget about music... that's as old as the Roman times. No, i really think pouet should become a "plattform" for demoscene cooking recipes! i have this lovely lobster soup recipe that will give a certain click clack lobster attack on your sensitive palate!
added on the 2014-01-02 19:32:33 by el mal el mal
yzi: So what's wrong with ArtCity?
added on the 2014-01-02 19:38:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
Re: Nectarine.

I really do not hope anyone tries to use it for getting publicity to their music or anything like that. It's a community listening to and commenting on demo scene music, and chatting about it. If someone looks at it as a means to get publicity for their crap, then I guess they'd need to make a spam robot adding the crap to the request queue or something? And that would be incredibly awful.

In a sense, I can totally understand why it's healthy to restrict content somehow. I mean, if you want me to listen to your song, submit it to the next Scenecompos.net compo, and I will listen to it. Or submit it to a music compo at a party I happen to be at. Or make a demo that uses the song as the soundtrack, and submit it to a demo compo I happen to watch. But if you want me to listen to your song JUST because you say you're also somewhat affiliated with, or interested in, or once heard about the demo scene, then no thanks, I have more interesting things to do. Just plain music itself is way too easy to make, and the bullshit ratio is too high.
added on the 2014-01-02 19:45:33 by yzi yzi
Gargaj: probably nothing? But it's for graphics only, right?

The thing with CSDB is, if I understood correctly, some parties don't even bother writing a results.txt file, because if it's a C64 only party, CSDB's party/event page includes everything as a clickable list coming from the database. :)
added on the 2014-01-02 19:56:38 by yzi yzi


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