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Revision 2014 - April 18th to 21st

category: parties [glöplog]
Just a heads-up: Hotel Crystal's online system says they have no free rooms on their website, but that seems to be wrong. I asked them via email yesterday and they offered me a room from every category they have, and I was able to reserve a room for 69€. So they should still have more free rooms left, and it's worth contacting them directly.

+1 . Just booked myself a room there too. Looking forward to staying closer to the party place this year.
added on the 2013-11-25 14:51:51 by elfan elfan
skomp/maali: I'd prefer people jumping off planes with parachutes while compiling their entry on the way down, connecting to the local wifi during descent and hitting "submit" on PartyMeister when they land.
added on the 2013-11-25 15:28:02 by D.Fox D.Fox
...and we'll make sure they get handed a beer by the time they take off their parachute suit.
added on the 2013-11-25 15:31:12 by D.Fox D.Fox
dfox: also thought about that, but landing a parachute on the parking lot is quite problematic, too. if you take down the lamps, so we can land there, both, chopper and parachute arrival would be possible :P
added on the 2013-11-25 15:35:19 by skomp skomp
Saga: No idea for the two you're speculating on :)
added on the 2013-11-25 15:38:38 by mog mog
dfox: Will spaceship landings be possible? I don't want to ignite anything on the ground with my retrorockets... otherwise I'll have to stick to an old-fashioned parachute landing...
added on the 2013-11-25 17:59:23 by urs urs
and eels in hovercrafts?!
added on the 2013-11-25 22:09:50 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2013-11-25 23:18:59 by T-101 T-101
added on the 2013-11-26 01:14:06 by numtek numtek
oniichaNj might follow us from Malmoe aswell, did not got the response i thinked of yesterday night :o = Boyfriends better then lame girlfriend
added on the 2013-11-26 17:57:35 by okkie okkie
obvslyUdo :)
added on the 2013-11-26 18:27:24 by Tomoya Tomoya
added on the 2013-11-26 18:33:44 by _Chucky_ _Chucky_
From Denmark or Hamburg? - check the DUB bus to Revision - it might be something for you: http://pantsoff.dk/bus/
added on the 2013-11-26 19:16:36 by Puryx Puryx
Reh wischen!
added on the 2013-11-26 23:00:34 by gaspode gaspode
Reh wischen!

makes my day *rofl*
added on the 2013-11-27 07:17:11 by princetOM princetOM
who the fuck signed me up to the danish bus i am going with the swedes
and suddenly deja vu: bittin is finding himself on some sort of transportation to a location he doesn't want to go to.
added on the 2013-11-27 14:11:17 by skomp skomp
Don't forget your ferry ticket.
added on the 2013-11-27 14:20:24 by trc_wm trc_wm
ferris ticket \o/
added on the 2013-11-27 14:31:16 by ferris ferris
Do not forget your
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added on the 2013-11-27 16:00:06 by Haohmaru Haohmaru
bittin is soooo looking forward to the danish bus!
added on the 2013-11-28 15:09:38 by nic0 nic0
I hope that there will be an Amiga again, would be nice to make up for that humiliating defeat in Pinball Dreams (Hi Buzzer) :)
added on the 2013-11-28 18:05:20 by Shinobi Shinobi
amiga? at revision? never seen anything like that...
added on the 2013-11-28 18:12:26 by skomp skomp


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