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Revision 2014

category: parties [glöplog]
if you come from anywhere in western europe, cabs are crazy cheap. The nearest hotel that we have tried is the Crystal - be warned that their wifi is nonexistent and their breakfast was rather crappy. Not sure that differs from other hotels though :)
added on the 2013-11-14 23:15:50 by nic0 nic0
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Styx sent me this image - he's a bit shy since Revision will be his first demoparty. I don't think he even has a pouet account, yet.
added on the 2013-11-14 23:25:20 by D.Fox D.Fox
by nic0:
if you come from anywhere in western europe, cabs are crazy cheap. The nearest hotel that we have tried is the Crystal - be warned that their wifi is nonexistent and their breakfast was rather crappy. Not sure that differs from other hotels though :)

Actually, I don't remember the WiFi being too bad at the Residenz, and they had a nice serve-yourself breakfast area (added to your bill, of course).
by D.Fox
he's a bit shy since Revision will be his first demoparty.

I'm probably walking in to some joke due to not knowing too many people, but I thought it was great, and 2013 was my first demo party. I don't think he has anything to worry about. :) If anyone remembers come April, if he finds me he can have a free Revision key fob. (Due to the generosity of others I have a few I can give away; the rest need to help me cover. Also not that I have any idea how I'd verify this person upon meeting them. :P)
styx is . . . venerable. : D


but AMCBain,
that. has. been me. in similar contexts if not the same. :D

And yeah, if I'm talking about hotel I can say that our flight in the big silver bird is also booked and work continues apace on some sort of prods . . .
We'll be around *somewhere* Monday and Tuesday and play back to the States on Wednesday at 2pm.

We'll also be around on Donnerstag (not MITTWOCH), unofficially. Probably doing grocery shopping, although we likely won't have to go so industrial with it as last time.

[cue Front 242 etc jokes]
and when I say around, I mean around Saarbrooklyn & at the Crystal, not the party place.

oooh, and important note for the Amerikaner: If your cell carrier is T-Mobile, I believe that now with the changes YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY A GERMAN SIM CARD. Just use your phone normally.
[cue ponies with cellphones]
Yeah when I get around to booking I was planning on doing the same as last year, giving myself some time on Thursday to wander around ... at least I hope. I'm coming in a different way (or will be). I used the time last time to get some stuff from the Rewe ... So I'll probably be around somewhere too.

Also I may be stupid for waiting for an official note of the location and such, even though I darn well know it's going to be at the same place and over Easter weekend again. Maybe I ought to be gung-ho and just do it. :)
by metoikos:
styx is . . . venerable. : D


Well that's why I thought I was walking in to something, because unless this is strangely someone else ... :P
by AMcBain:
I used the time last time to get some stuff from the Rewe

I don't know why I bothered, really, since I ended up buying dinner at the party hall and I could have just done something at the hotel for Thursday. Maybe it's so I can get more soda than I ever need for most of the weekend. :P That and getting the limited Ritter Sport that I can't find over here. -.- Whatever.
do you guys have room for a camper inside of the fence?
added on the 2013-11-15 00:15:35 by response response
Meanwhile at the Stealth Ranger Hideout...

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... but we will be there!
added on the 2013-11-15 00:17:43 by Charlie Charlie
Hey! Er, hi! I talked with you (at least I think?) at Revision 2013, and wasn't able to find you again (and admittedly got "lost" in the whole demoparty experience :) that I recall. I owe you and the other guy (names, why must I be bad with names!) at least a Revision key fob at Revision 2014 since I missed out and gave them all away. I probably literally could have gone to my hotel room next door and gotten them before your taxi showed up, but then I would have missed out on chatting.

(Now to wonder if all I do is hit refresh on Pouet ...)
@AMcBain: I met u right out of the Casino, right? Well; no worries! WE WILL BE BACK for the 14th year in a row(for us going to germany for easter) - celebrating german easter-party-demo-fun - so you´ll probably find me there. And I bet we will share a drink or 40 with ya! Cheers, mate! :D

look for the darkliteposter(we are attentionwhores) - right beneath there you will find us :)
added on the 2013-11-15 00:31:18 by response response
[cue ponies with cellphones]

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added on the 2013-11-15 03:22:44 by ___ ___
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added on the 2013-11-15 09:11:40 by franky-- franky--
darkliteposter(we are attentionwhores)

Wait, Darklite and ATW groups merged?!
do you guys have room for a camper inside of the fence?

unfortunately not. no sort of camping is allowed on site.
added on the 2013-11-15 10:33:10 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
But is it 'camping' if they're just drinking 24h/d?
added on the 2013-11-15 13:45:05 by okkie okkie
re Charlie

<starwars>what the hell happened here?
I didn't know you could repurpose Skoda parts into an Amiga.
added on the 2013-11-15 14:32:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
he's working on a new 3D engine i suppose
added on the 2013-11-15 14:36:35 by el mal el mal
and about time SKODA does a sequel to 'when we ride on our enemies'!
added on the 2013-11-15 15:00:18 by el mal el mal


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