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German article about the Amiga demoscene!

category: general [glöplog]
Ghandy, the attention whore with the oversized ego speaks to you! We today had one visitor at diskmag.de, just wanted to let ya know. No, not really. Erm... Okay. (Sorry, I wasn't able to hold me back, Adok ;-)

If you're able to understand the german language and you'd like to read an overview over the Amiga demoscene Anno domini 2004, don't hesitate to visit the site of the Amiga Insider pdf magazine.

The whole mag is download- & visible & printable without paying anything, and it's quite interesting if you enjoy reading something about our dear electronical girlfriend. ;-)
added on the 2004-11-22 09:11:40 by ghandy ghandy
Fuckings to Ghandy, I didn't mention the url. http://www.amigainsider.de/amigainsider3.pdf
added on the 2004-11-22 09:14:37 by ghandy ghandy
pdf mags are lame! make an executable! (hi preacher!)
added on the 2004-11-22 13:49:05 by skrebbel skrebbel
fuckings to skrebbel \o/

added on the 2004-11-22 15:11:27 by keops keops
fuckings to klops^eqx!
added on the 2004-11-22 15:37:35 by dalezr dalezr
Kiez-slaps *PAF* to delazy !
added on the 2004-11-22 15:44:17 by keops keops
And what does this all have to do with the topic? ;-(
added on the 2004-11-23 08:17:30 by ghandy ghandy
Nothing, but these nice guys are pushing it back to the top of the BBS. :)
I find it amusing how writers about the demoscene have to regurgitate the same thing over and over again and outsiders always tend to react "ah, so there's this demoscene you say? that's cool. now leave me alone."
added on the 2004-11-23 09:30:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
hehe, it's very hard for some sceners to accept that 90% of the human race doesn't give a crap about this 'demoscene' (hey, 90% of the demoscene don't even care about this 'demoscene' :D)
added on the 2004-11-23 11:49:50 by okkie okkie
FFS Okkie, the scene is DEAD! DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!
added on the 2004-11-23 12:13:53 by NoahR NoahR
oh shit! dead? why didn't i get this memo!!!
added on the 2004-11-23 13:10:01 by okkie okkie
Okkie: my point was that trying the same approach over and over will led to the same result every time :)
added on the 2004-11-23 14:14:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: ok, well, i kinda meant the same.. but in a different way.. whatever :)
added on the 2004-11-23 14:23:26 by okkie okkie
I think the "scene is dead" is just a rumour started by people who believe that the artists must be dead before their work is considered art (like Vincent van Gogh for example).

So what I'm saying is that Minimalanimal is the 21st century van Gogh... erm...
added on the 2004-11-23 14:29:34 by Scali Scali
Page 26: "Good By, classic Amiga"

Is that secret Amiga code-talk, or the wonderful german grasp of english? o_0

Also, anybody who has the stones to refer the loonies 4k to fr-025 as if they're in any way comparable is not exactly blinking on all led displays.

added on the 2004-11-23 18:46:49 by Shifter Shifter
Dude, don't be so hard on Farbraush. They try really hard...
the scene is dead
BB Image
added on the 2004-11-23 19:44:44 by deemage deemage
okkie, the memo has been underway for 10 years. in all the horrible, horrible productions released, that are completely soulless. Once in a while a sign of life emerged in a short blink of a production. (here i want to whole heartedly thank a lot of germans and wierd finnish people for the try) But the carcass that is the scene is still floating about in uncreative waters.

Scali, really good paint man, but wasnt he shot dead couple months ago?

deemage, i normalle hate senseless picture posting but that....


added on the 2004-11-23 19:58:51 by NoahR NoahR
Truck ;)
added on the 2004-11-23 20:00:30 by Shifter Shifter
van gogh died for the freedom of speech!! SCENE IS FREEDOM!!!! eh.. <insert random quote here about beer>
added on the 2004-11-23 21:14:55 by okkie okkie
yeah.. explaining to people what the demoscene is sucks.. people would find out if they wanted to be in anyway..
added on the 2004-11-24 01:14:16 by loaderror loaderror
Loaderror: But many Amiga users never heard of it. If they hear Scene, they only think of cracked games. Why not explain it?
added on the 2004-11-24 09:18:32 by ghandy ghandy
amiga users that have never heard of the scene? Ive never met any, but Ive met quite many that knew, but didnt care... or that wanted us to make games instead :)

added on the 2004-11-25 01:37:35 by loaderror loaderror


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